Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 4/4 - 6:44 PM 7222 6592 6591 7289
Practice 2 Thu 4/4 - 6:59 PM 7222
Practice 3 Thu 4/4 - 7:16 PM 7222 6591 6592 6033 7226 7665
Practice 4 Thu 4/4 - 7:32 PM 6078 6591 6592 6033 7226 7665
Practice 5 Thu 4/4 - 7:49 PM 6078 4216 7289 5238 7197
Practice 6 Thu 4/4 - 8:04 PM 7226 5238 4216 7056 6033 7665
Practice 7 Thu 4/4 - 8:15 PM 6078 6033 7665 7197
Practice 8 Thu 4/4 - 8:28 PM 6592 6078 5238 6033 7222 7197
Practice 9 Thu 4/4 - 8:55 PM 6592 5238 7226 6635 6067 6033
Practice 10 Thu 4/4 - 9:08 PM 6591 3707 7226 6635 6067
Practice 11 Thu 4/4 - 7:10 PM 6591 5238 3668 7222 1504 6592
Practice 12 Thu 4/4 - 7:20 PM 7226 6595 6085 4776 6078 2676
Practice 13 Thu 4/4 - 7:30 PM 7289 7495 2611 5523 7144 6638
Practice 14 Thu 4/4 - 7:40 PM 7202 5704 6067 5524 3668 5231
Practice 15 Thu 4/4 - 7:50 PM 6078 4216 1504 6635 6033 7894
Practice 16 Thu 4/4 - 8:00 PM 2611 6591 6595 3658 894 5674
Practice 17 Thu 4/4 - 8:10 PM 7495 3655 2676 7056 7197 7289
Practice 18 Thu 4/4 - 8:20 PM 3568 6085 7202 7144 6594 5238
Practice 19 Thu 4/4 - 8:30 PM 6592 2145 5523 3707 7665 7226
Practice 20 Thu 4/4 - 8:40 PM 6638 5524 4776 3098 6742 7222
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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