Team 7085 - Paranoid Androids (2022)

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2022 Robot: Marvin Mark 2.0
2022 Sponsors: Leidos, Inc. / 2018 Argosy Foundation FRC Rookie Grant & Waccamaw High School
Regional Rankings
2022 Sponsors: Leidos, Inc. / 2018 Argosy Foundation FRC Rookie Grant & Waccamaw High School
Regional Rankings
Team 7085's 2022 Awards
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Electric City Regional
March 9 to March 12, 2022Qualification Matches
Record: 4 Wins, 6 Losses and 1 Ties - 11 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 6 | Fri 3/11 - 10:35 AM | 7525 | 8137 | 7085 | 3824 | 364 | 2080 | 6 | 26 |
Qualification 11 | Fri 3/11 - 11:13 AM | 2815 | 7085 | 3824 | 4823 | 8137 | 364 | 21 | 45 |
Qualification 16 | Fri 3/11 - 11:55 AM | 8137 | 5727 | 4748 | 6107 | 7085 | 1293 | 32 | 10 |
Qualification 20 | Fri 3/11 - 12:27 PM | 7085 | 3976 | 281 | 364 | 1758 | 3490 | 20 | 32 |
Qualification 31 | Fri 3/11 - 2:14 PM | 4074 | 342 | 6167 | 4748 | 8575 | 7085 | 25 | 31 |
Qualification 37 | Fri 3/11 - 3:21 PM | 4074 | 7525 | 3976 | 5130 | 7085 | 1539 | 10 | 11 |
Qualification 41 | Fri 3/11 - 3:51 PM | 1539 | 1293 | 2815 | 7085 | 4265 | 4451 | 22 | 68 |
Qualification 46 | Fri 3/11 - 4:25 PM | 1102 | 7085 | 6366 | 343 | 6107 | 4533 | 32 | 32 |
Qualification 51 | Sat 3/12 - 8:55 AM | 4451 | 281 | 5130 | 1287 | 6167 | 7085 | 33 | 14 |
Qualification 59 | Sat 3/12 - 10:09 AM | 7085 | 4020 | 5727 | 1051 | 4073 | 1102 | 67 | 61 |
Qualification 70 | Sat 3/12 - 11:25 AM | 7085 | 342 | 343 | 2393 | 2815 | 3489 | 52 | 66 |
Playoff Matches
Alliance Selection: Round 2 of Alliance 3
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Quarterfinal 4 | Sat 3/12 - 1:27 PM | Alliance 3 | Alliance 6 |
77 |
54 |
1051 | 5727 | 7085 | 3489 | 2815 | 4073 | ||||
Quarterfinal 8 | Alliance 3 | Alliance 6 |
47 |
50 |
1051 | 5727 | 7085 | 3489 | 2815 | 4073 | ||||
Quarterfinal Tiebreaker 4 | Alliance 3 | Alliance 6 |
61 |
54 |
1051 | 5727 | 7085 | 3489 | 2815 | 4073 | ||||
Semifinal 2 | Alliance 2 | Alliance 3 |
82 |
59 |
4451 | 364 | 3824 | 1051 | 5727 | 7085 |