Team Avatar Team 3418 - RoboRiot (2023)

2023 Robot: Dr. Claw

2023 Sponsors: Kohler Co./Vollrath/Curt G. Joa, Inc./BW Papersystems/Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction/American Orthodontics/American Orthodontics&Plymouth High School&South High School&Sheboygan Falls High School

Regional Rankings

Team 3418's 2023 Awards
Award Event
Woodie Flowers Finalist Award
     (Presented to Peter Fox)
Wisconsin Regional
Gracious Professionalism Award Northern Lights Regional

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Northern Lights Regional

  March 1 to March 4, 2023

Qualification Matches
Rank: 13 of 59
Record: 7 Wins, 2 Losses and 0 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 9   Fri 3/3 - 10:15 AM 8803 2052 7864 5541 3100 3418 101 50
Qualification 18   Fri 3/3 - 11:32 AM 3298 2512 1792 3883 3418 2501 18 69
Qualification 30   Fri 3/3 - 1:53 PM 5576 3418 4624 7021 2129 3926 75 118
Qualification 38   Fri 3/3 - 2:51 PM 4623 3418 2667 5271 3755 7311 18 10
Qualification 44   Fri 3/3 - 3:38 PM 3418 6132 5232 4239 8700 6147 89 51
Qualification 50   Fri 3/3 - 4:20 PM 4786 6758 3418 5913 7578 7273 119 103
Qualification 65   Sat 3/4 - 9:04 AM 6758 1675 5586 3418 6421 2052 57 101
Qualification 77   Sat 3/4 - 10:35 AM 3100 6044 4531 5339 4181 3418 54 68
Qualification 84   Sat 3/4 - 11:28 AM 3418 2472 6574 4703 4166 4226 112 52
Playoff Matches

Wisconsin Regional

  March 22 to March 25, 2023

Qualification Matches
Rank: 36 of 47
Record: 3 Wins, 9 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 7   Fri 3/24 - 9:48 AM 93 2077 1091 2506 3418 6574 48 107
Qualification 15   Fri 3/24 - 10:49 AM 8188 2506 1259 3418 5822 8803 78 76
Qualification 21   Fri 3/24 - 11:34 AM 4786 3596 2830 7915 3418 8096 117 115
Qualification 30   Fri 3/24 - 1:33 PM 6381 8531 3418 2077 1306 8701 86 56
Qualification 36   Fri 3/24 - 2:22 PM 3418 8847 7900 7417 2062 2194 85 93
Qualification 42   Fri 3/24 - 3:13 PM 3418 537 2512 8029 1732 8847 101 123
Qualification 48   Fri 3/24 - 4:02 PM 2194 8122 6017 8029 3418 3596 103 82
Qualification 55   Fri 3/24 - 4:52 PM 2358 6574 6421 6160 1714 3418 125 110
Qualification 63   Fri 3/24 - 5:44 PM 8701 3418 1675 706 6160 3197 118 128
Qualification 73 Sat 3/25 - 9:07 AM 8096 6643 537 5096 2077 3418 138 93
Qualification 81   Sat 3/25 - 10:09 AM 1792 4786 3418 8802 4787 3067 106 88
Qualification 87 Sat 3/25 - 10:55 AM 2202 2512 8802 3418 706 1091 116 106
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 2 of Alliance 5

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Match 2 (R1)   Sat 3/25 - 1:43 PM Alliance 4 Alliance 5



1792 2830 2202 6421 3197 3418
Match 5 (R2)   Alliance 1 Alliance 5



8096 930 8029 6421 3197 3418