Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Wed 4/22 - 6:00 PM 955 4471 537 3015 190 5529
Practice 2 Wed 4/22 - 6:10 PM 4575 2877 5027 4954 321 1094
Practice 3 Wed 4/22 - 6:20 PM 25 4118 4322 1918 100 5012
Practice 4 Wed 4/22 - 6:30 PM 5710 118 5418 3130 3785 3310
Practice 5 Wed 4/22 - 6:40 PM 2339 4541 3171 2039 3838 269
Practice 6 Wed 4/22 - 6:50 PM 4842 1983 4013 1756 1678 4903
Practice 7 Wed 4/22 - 7:00 PM 2468 2158 932 3314 3940 4188
Practice 8 Wed 4/22 - 7:10 PM 5495 5511 3464 74 133 295
Practice 9 Wed 4/22 - 7:20 PM 1111 540 5489 1720 3539 155
Practice 10 Wed 4/22 - 7:30 PM 533 1671 3467 4841 195 5188
Practice 11 Wed 4/22 - 7:40 PM 3641 2761 1466 3039 4678 175
Practice 12 Wed 4/22 - 7:50 PM 4522 5479 4501 5526 1741 587
Practice 13 Wed 4/22 - 8:00 PM 2522 2607 3130 3137 3574 3940
All times are displayed in Central Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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