Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 4/4 - 6:33 PM 7772 4382 226 2075 7809 904
Practice 2 Thu 4/4 - 6:44 PM 7658 4967 226 2075 858 6114
Practice 3 Thu 4/4 - 6:57 PM 7658 4967 226 2075 6102 5069
Practice 4 Thu 4/4 - 7:11 PM 7223 2337 4967 6114 5069 2075
Practice 5 Thu 4/4 - 7:27 PM 910 2337 4967 5069 858 5473
Practice 6 Thu 4/4 - 7:44 PM 858 2075 4967 4961 7602 6114
Practice 7 Thu 4/4 - 7:58 PM 2075 2337 2771 910 4967 2959
Practice 8 Thu 4/4 - 8:06 PM 858 2337 7602 4961 226 6963
Practice 9 Thu 4/4 - 8:17 PM 6963 4961 6642 6114 2959 6100
Practice 10 Thu 4/4 - 8:26 PM 858 226 2337 910 7602 3357
Practice 11 Thu 4/4 - 8:37 PM 858 226 2337 7166 7602 2619
Practice 12 Thu 4/4 - 8:45 PM 858 226 6100 4967 7602 3357
Practice 13 Thu 4/4 - 8:54 PM 2771 3322 2337 4967 910 4482
Practice 14 Thu 4/4 - 9:07 PM 2771 910 2337 4967 2619 3357
Practice 15 Thu 4/4 - 9:17 PM 2337 2771 910 7166 3322 2075
Practice 16 Thu 4/4 - 9:26 PM 2771 2337 910 2075 858 3322
Practice 17 Fri 4/5 - 8:34 AM 4961 2619 6642 3570 7602 4382
Practice 18 Fri 4/5 - 8:44 AM 4961 7810 4967 6002 6963 6550
Practice 19 Fri 4/5 - 9:05 AM 904 7602 5162 4967 4961 7223
Practice 20 Fri 4/5 - 9:15 AM 226 7810 6963 5173 6002 910
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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