2018 Practice Schedule
![Game Logo](https://frc-cdn.firstinspires.org/eventweb_frc/GameLogos/2018.png)
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Some content is hidden on small displays like yours. Please try rotating your device or using a larger screen to see more content.Off-Season Event:
Match |
Start Time |
Red 1 |
Red 2 |
Red 3 |
Blue 1 |
Blue 2 |
Blue 3 |
Practice 1 | Sat 9/8 - 6:00 AM | 6343 | 5827 | 5588 | 3238 | 4692 | 1318 |
Practice 2 | Sat 9/8 - 6:10 AM | 1983 | 948 | 2811 | 1294 | 2557 | 4911 |
Practice 3 | Sat 9/8 - 6:20 AM | 4450 | 2928 | 2976 | 4180 | 2733 | 4131 |
Practice 4 | Sat 9/8 - 6:30 AM | 360 | 3145 | 5803 | 9994 | 1778 | 2522 |
Practice 5 | Sat 9/8 - 6:40 AM | 2046 | 3663 | 6350 | 4469 | 2930 | 2910 |
Practice 6 | Sat 9/8 - 6:50 AM | 2522 | 5588 | 4692 | 4911 | 1983 | 4450 |
Practice 7 | Sat 9/8 - 7:00 AM | 1318 | 4180 | 2557 | 3663 | 4469 | 3145 |
Practice 8 | Sat 9/8 - 7:10 AM | 4131 | 6343 | 2928 | 6350 | 2811 | 360 |
Practice 9 | Sat 9/8 - 7:20 AM | 2930 | 2046 | 2733 | 1778 | 948 | 5827 |
Practice 10 | Sat 9/8 - 7:30 AM | 2976 | 3238 | 1294 | 2910 | 5803 | 9994 |
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in
![Game Logo](https://frc-cdn.firstinspires.org/eventweb_frc/GameLogos/2018.png)