Team Avatar Team 6919 - The Commodores (2023)

2023 Sponsors: Georgia Power/Proctor and Gamble/Georgia Pacific/DOD STEM/Booz Allen Hamilton/4C Foundation/NEOS Technologies/Rotary Club of Albany/Georgia Department of Education/Dougherty County School System&Commodore Conyers College & Career Academy

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PCH District Albany Event

  March 2 to March 4, 2023

Awards Event
22 16 30 5 73
Qualification Matches
Rank: 1 of 21
Record: 12 Wins, 0 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 3 Fri 3/3 - 6:39 AM 5848 6919 4188 4509 9260 8137 41 30
Qualification 6 Fri 3/3 - 7:14 AM 5828 3344 7470 3329 6919 8137 28 66
Qualification 9 Fri 3/3 - 7:45 AM 5848 3635 5828 9086 6919 4730 47 60
Qualification 12 Fri 3/3 - 9:09 AM 6919 4459 7538 3329 3344 5848 79 45
Qualification 15 Fri 3/3 - 9:38 AM 7470 7538 8815 8137 1683 6919 54 113
Qualification 20 Fri 3/3 - 10:18 AM 7538 8815 4730 5828 4112 6919 13 79
Qualification 22 Fri 3/3 - 10:35 AM 1683 4240 6919 4730 4459 4188 85 32
Qualification 26 Fri 3/3 - 11:09 AM 6919 4240 4701 4112 8137 4730 86 55
Qualification 29 Fri 3/3 - 11:31 AM 6919 4509 4112 4459 4701 1683 109 45
Qualification 33 Fri 3/3 - 12:09 PM 6919 3635 8815 3344 4701 9086 72 51
Qualification 36 Fri 3/3 - 12:37 PM 8100 3344 6919 4112 3635 4701 69 51
Qualification 42 Sat 3/4 - 6:18 AM 9260 6919 7470 4240 8100 4112 89 43
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 1

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Match 1 (R1) Sat 3/4 - 8:45 AM Alliance 1 Alliance 8



5828 6919 1683 9983 9982 9984
Match 7 (R2) Alliance 1 Alliance 4



5828 6919 1683 3344 4459 4701
Match 11 (R4) Alliance 1 Alliance 2



5828 6919 1683 3329 4188 4509
Final 1 Alliance 1 Alliance 2



5828 6919 1683 4509 3329 4188
Final 2 Alliance 1 Alliance 2



5828 6919 1683 4509 4188 3329

PCH District Macon Event

  March 30 to April 1, 2023

Awards Event
20 15 30 10 75
Qualification Matches
Rank: 3 of 29
Record: 9 Wins, 3 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 3 Fri 3/31 - 11:14 AM 9057 6919 5130 5848 4240 4701 95 50
Qualification 9 Fri 3/31 - 12:09 PM 1771 7676 7470 6919 7104 2415 56 114
Qualification 15 Fri 3/31 - 2:22 PM 7676 4112 7104 6919 3344 4240 58 112
Qualification 19 Fri 3/31 - 2:56 PM 6919 4701 7676 8849 6944 3635 90 60
Qualification 23 Fri 3/31 - 3:27 PM 9057 1746 1261 5130 8849 6919 112 101
Qualification 27 Fri 3/31 - 3:59 PM 5219 4701 5828 8736 1771 6919 59 146
Qualification 32 Fri 3/31 - 4:48 PM 3344 6925 7676 5651 3635 6919 44 112
Qualification 39 Fri 3/31 - 5:43 PM 1261 6919 8736 6944 3344 9260 143 93
Qualification 42 Fri 3/31 - 6:05 PM 7470 4112 6919 5130 1261 4730 109 90
Qualification 45 Fri 3/31 - 6:27 PM 5828 6919 4112 9057 8736 3329 77 107
Qualification 52 Sat 4/1 - 10:08 AM 6919 7470 1002 9260 1414 3344 92 113
Qualification 55 Sat 4/1 - 10:29 AM 5651 6919 1746 2415 3329 5828 91 51
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 2

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Match 3 (R1) Sat 4/1 - 1:53 PM Alliance 2 Alliance 7



4730 6919 6829 4112 5130 5848
Match 8 (R2) Alliance 2 Alliance 6



4730 6919 6829 9260 3344 3329
Match 11 (R4) Alliance 1 Alliance 2



1771 5219 1261 6829 6919 4730
Match 13 (R5) Alliance 2 Alliance 3



4730 6919 6829 1414 8736 6944
Final 1 Alliance 1 Alliance 2



1771 5219 1261 6829 6919 4730
Final 2 Alliance 1 Alliance 2



1771 5219 1261 6829 6919 4730

Peachtree District Championship

  April 5 to April 8, 2023

Awards Event
60 42 21 15 138
Qualification Matches
Rank: 4 of 50
Record: 10 Wins, 2 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 8 Thu 4/6 - 5:58 PM 8736 1261 8865 6919 9260 8866 74 133
Qualification 14 Fri 4/7 - 9:01 AM 6919 3490 1261 343 3635 9260 141 107
Qualification 22 Fri 4/7 - 9:58 AM 1648 1746 4188 8080 8575 6919 80 91
Qualification 33 Fri 4/7 - 11:14 AM 6919 3635 1102 8866 1287 6023 101 106
Qualification 42 Fri 4/7 - 1:38 PM 6340 1102 9293 6919 7451 3815 148 142
Qualification 48 Fri 4/7 - 2:21 PM 6340 4112 2415 2815 8865 6919 105 108
Qualification 58 Fri 4/7 - 3:38 PM 8137 6919 6366 9260 6340 5900 117 112
Qualification 66 Fri 4/7 - 4:38 PM 832 3815 4451 1771 6919 4112 98 141
Qualification 73 Fri 4/7 - 5:33 PM 4509 1287 6919 2974 4533 1771 157 126
Qualification 80 Sat 4/8 - 9:16 AM 4701 6919 4451 1758 7538 4189 136 115
Qualification 86 Sat 4/8 - 10:02 AM 4188 6919 342 6712 3344 4701 131 102
Qualification 94 Sat 4/8 - 11:00 AM 4701 7451 5109 1414 3489 6919 102 157
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 3

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Match 4 (R1) Sat 4/8 - 2:34 PM Alliance 3 Alliance 6



4112 6919 1414 1746 8736 281
Match 6 (R2) Alliance 2 Alliance 3



4451 4533 4189 1414 6919 4112
Match 9 (R3) Alliance 8 Alliance 3



6340 4509 4188 1414 6919 4112
Match 12 (R4) Alliance 7 Alliance 3



1261 1683 3489 1414 6919 4112

FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition - Johnson Division

  April 19 to April 22, 2023

Qualification Matches
Rank: 34 of 78
Record: 6 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 8   Thu 4/20 - 9:35 AM 422 7748 7460 6833 7558 6919 143 149
Qualification 19   Thu 4/20 - 11:26 AM 51 3339 6919 3506 217 4293 171 93
Qualification 37   Thu 4/20 - 2:24 PM 6919 4920 6045 2521 28 2059 182 115
Qualification 52   Thu 4/20 - 4:32 PM 5434 6045 4635 2067 1718 6919 118 165
Qualification 61   Thu 4/20 - 5:44 PM 6919 9152 5434 1296 668 2832 145 146
Qualification 72   Fri 4/21 - 8:58 AM 9037 4624 6919 8871 2075 973 134 157
Qualification 81   Fri 4/21 - 10:34 AM 4776 9213 85 1802 6919 16 150 81
Qualification 92   Fri 4/21 - 11:58 AM 1785 4976 5050 4776 6919 4276 156 124
Qualification 105   Fri 4/21 - 2:17 PM 4624 4607 3653 6919 3753 1540 112 118
Qualification 118   Fri 4/21 - 4:06 PM 2059 6919 88 166 2359 9176 167 139
Playoff Matches

FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition

  April 19 to April 22, 2023

District teams are ranked against all teams in their district and the final rankings, once all district events have been played, are used to determine eligibility for District Championships and/or the FIRST Championship. More Info...

Total Points: 286
Rank: 1 of 144 teams in the Peachtree District (Full Rankings )

Qualified for District Championship: Yes (DistrictEventChairmans)
Qualified for FIRST Championship: Yes (DistrictPoints)

Team 6919 had the following district points activities in the 2023 season:
Event/Activity Total
PCH District Albany Event 73
PCH District Macon Event 75
Peachtree District Championship 138

If Team 6919 is tied with any other Peachtree teams in total District Ranking Points, the tie will be broken using the following criteria:

Level Description Value
Level 1 Total Playoff Round Performance Points 81
Level 2 Max Playoff Round Performance Points 30
Level 3 Total Alliance Selection Points 73
Level 4 Max Alliance Selection Points 42
Level 5 Total Qualification Points 102
Level 6 Highest Match Score 157
Level 7 Second Highest Match Score 157
Level 8 Third Highest Match Score 153
Level 9 Random Sort ---