Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Wed 4/18 - 6:08 PM 5554 3310 6377 7067 971 968
Practice 2 Wed 4/18 - 6:17 PM 687 3128 6424 832 3737 118
Practice 3 Wed 4/18 - 6:24 PM 7128 1723 624 6510 4468 1648
Practice 4 Wed 4/18 - 6:31 PM 3128 2840 687 6891 3310 6377
Practice 5 Wed 4/18 - 6:44 PM 971 624 5199 1678 1619 5663
Practice 6 Wed 4/18 - 6:52 PM 6891 2367 5098 4576 118 1868
Practice 7 Wed 4/18 - 6:58 PM 1648 1723 6377 6645 3310 1251
Practice 8 Wed 4/18 - 7:08 PM 4061 3140 2403 3309 971 5663
Practice 9 Wed 4/18 - 7:16 PM 6508 4270 5199 6891 3164 624
Practice 10 Wed 4/18 - 7:23 PM 1982 1678 1251 3853 6377 5663
Practice 11 Wed 4/18 - 7:32 PM 3481 7137 6510 3164 971 7190
Practice 12 Wed 4/18 - 7:39 PM 624 3853 6377 5802 604 3501
All times are displayed in Central Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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