Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 3/31 - 12:01 PM 2451 8531 2040 7619 2977 8700
Practice 2 Thu 3/31 - 12:10 PM 2039 4549 8024 4531 4011 3381
Practice 3 Thu 3/31 - 12:23 PM 1306 648 1716 2169 8782 7021
Practice 4 Thu 3/31 - 12:33 PM 2451 2826 8744 4021 4009 1091
Practice 5 Thu 3/31 - 12:44 PM 5019 2451 5148 6166 5914 2977
Practice 6 Thu 3/31 - 12:53 PM 7103 4655 5442 2977 4054 2704
Practice 7 Thu 3/31 - 1:04 PM 4655 6574 171 8701 930 5339
Practice 8 Thu 3/31 - 1:15 PM 1716 6421 8803 5903 2040 2220
Practice 9 Thu 3/31 - 1:22 PM 4011 4021 8531 8782 4531 648
Practice 10 Thu 3/31 - 1:32 PM 7021 8700 7619 8024 6166 5019
Practice 11 Thu 3/31 - 1:40 PM 5586 3381 2451 4009 1306 4054
Practice 12 Thu 3/31 - 1:50 PM 5914 2039 2169 2220 171 5903
Practice 13 Thu 3/31 - 1:59 PM 2977 8744 3723 5442 8701 4549
Practice 14 Thu 3/31 - 2:10 PM 2451 2220 2194 5339 7103 4655
Practice 15 Thu 3/31 - 2:19 PM 5148 1091 930 3090 2977 6421
Practice 16 Thu 3/31 - 2:29 PM 5903 7021 6574 2826 8803 4011
Practice 17 Thu 3/31 - 2:39 PM 2040 2704 4531 171 5019 2826
Practice 18 Thu 3/31 - 9:49 AM 5903 2451 8701 3381 930 6166
Practice 19 Thu 3/31 - 9:59 AM 4549 7619 648 2220 4655 4021
Practice 20 Thu 3/31 - 10:07 AM 1091 3692 7103 8531 5586 2039
Practice 21 Thu 3/31 - 3:14 PM 8700 2169 4009 930 5442 2451
Practice 22 Thu 3/31 - 3:24 PM 8803 5339 8782 8744 5148 2977
Practice 23 Thu 3/31 - 3:33 PM 6574 8024 3090 6421 2704 3692
All times are displayed in Central Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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