Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 3/7 - 6:20 PM 5927 1254 5473 2767 5878 5610
Practice 2 Thu 3/7 - 6:30 PM 85 5980 4003 4337 3620 6588
Practice 3 Thu 3/7 - 6:40 PM 216 7210 5194 5204 288 5110
Practice 4 Thu 3/7 - 6:50 PM 5152 7234 5248 2959 244 7809
Practice 5 Thu 3/7 - 7:00 PM 1940 5182 4237 6568 7814 5056
Practice 6 Thu 3/7 - 7:10 PM 5462 3603 4409 3452 74 6627
Practice 7 Thu 3/7 - 7:20 PM 7809 4325 5535 288 3688 2337
Practice 8 Thu 3/7 - 7:30 PM 5056 5204 5927 4003 6568 5152
Practice 9 Thu 3/7 - 7:40 PM 7814 85 7210 5878 3603 2959
Practice 10 Thu 3/7 - 7:50 PM 5610 74 1940 5248 3688 5980
Practice 11 Thu 3/7 - 8:00 PM 5194 6588 2767 5182 4409 7234
Practice 12 Thu 3/7 - 8:10 PM 4325 3452 244 5473 4337 216
Practice 13 Thu 3/7 - 8:20 PM 3620 2337 1254 4237 5110 5462
Practice 14 Thu 3/7 - 8:30 PM 6627 1940 5878 5535 4003 5194
Practice 15 Thu 3/7 - 8:40 PM 4409 5056 288 244 5610 85
Practice 16 Thu 3/7 - 8:50 PM 6588 5248 6568 2337 216 3603
Practice 17 Thu 3/7 - 9:00 PM 3688 6627 4337 7234 5927 4237
Practice 18 Thu 3/7 - 9:10 PM 5980 7809 3452 1254 5204 7814
Practice 19 Thu 3/7 - 9:20 PM 2767 5152 74 7210 3620 4325
Practice 20 Thu 3/7 - 9:30 PM 5110 2959 5473 5535 5462 5182
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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