Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Wed 4/25 - 7:01 PM 3359 1100 3044 5254 2502 467
Practice 2 Wed 4/25 - 7:11 PM 7225 5546 190 1640 6880 3936
Practice 3 Wed 4/25 - 7:26 PM 4967 88 862 4130 6806 4253
Practice 4 Wed 4/25 - 7:38 PM 1918 1885 6334 1816 5546 71
Practice 5 Wed 4/25 - 7:49 PM 2338 3604 133 3276 5404 384
Practice 6 Wed 4/25 - 7:57 PM 3015 2586 5050 422 2832 272
Practice 7 Wed 4/25 - 8:05 PM 5484 1731 7225 25 1507 2846
Practice 8 Wed 4/25 - 8:14 PM 5050 3990 5505 3357 190 2771
Practice 9 Wed 4/25 - 8:28 PM 4230 71 1736 2225 2137 3604
Practice 10 Wed 4/25 - 8:36 PM 6909 217 4004 5050 4476 5846
Practice 11 Wed 4/25 - 5:07 PM 4145 71 862 3940 6548 2771
Practice 12 Wed 4/25 - 5:16 PM 2987 5484 103 2137 4476 133
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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