Team Avatar Team 514 - Miller Place Robotics (2018)

Team 514's 2018 Awards

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Central New York Regional

  March 1 to March 4, 2018

Qualification Matches
Rank: 28 of 35
Record: 4 Wins, 8 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 6   Sat 3/3 - 10:02 AM 287 639 191 514 1450 4122 375 77
Qualification 9   Sat 3/3 - 10:56 AM 378 810 6422 514 6621 4253 336 219
Qualification 17   Sat 3/3 - 12:02 PM 1450 4253 5030 694 4027 514 231 362
Qualification 23   Sat 3/3 - 1:41 PM 145 514 223 4122 5030 6621 438 295
Qualification 25   Sat 3/3 - 1:57 PM 2016 514 1665 5484 6300 3003 167 177
Qualification 35   Sat 3/3 - 3:25 PM 6422 1450 5254 358 514 250 417 224
Qualification 41   Sat 3/3 - 4:09 PM 191 7081 2016 6422 340 514 120 396
Qualification 44   Sat 3/3 - 4:34 PM 694 3003 6621 527 2053 514 401 237
Qualification 49   Sat 3/3 - 5:24 PM 514 810 27 1665 20 3044 263 315
Qualification 59   Sun 3/4 - 9:48 AM 514 1518 7081 639 250 4122 235 413
Qualification 63   Sun 3/4 - 10:23 AM 20 3173 514 340 319 3044 85 449
Qualification 65   Sun 3/4 - 10:37 AM 5030 514 2791 3173 6422 2053 370 219
Playoff Matches

SBPLI Long Island Regional #1

  April 9 to April 11, 2018

Qualification Matches
Rank: 5 of 35
Record: 8 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 5   Tue 4/10 - 9:39 AM 2638 2347 514 569 1803 3646 376 213
Qualification 11   Tue 4/10 - 10:44 AM 6636 514 1546 3624 533 5659 237 531
Qualification 16   Tue 4/10 - 11:20 AM 522 2914 6911 6423 514 358 202 377
Qualification 22   Tue 4/10 - 1:11 PM 514 569 6806 522 1468 28 448 178
Qualification 26   Tue 4/10 - 1:45 PM 5099 2638 3646 2872 514 1468 439 85
Qualification 34   Tue 4/10 - 2:51 PM 514 1803 271 871 2347 522 289 202
Qualification 40   Tue 4/10 - 3:44 PM 709 271 2161 296 3646 514 157 349
Qualification 43   Tue 4/10 - 4:14 PM 469 6911 514 1546 2234 2869 373 210
Qualification 49   Tue 4/10 - 5:06 PM 2872 2027 1546 514 3137 5099 119 403
Qualification 53   Wed 4/11 - 9:21 AM 2638 352 564 514 2914 6952 268 352
Qualification 59   Wed 4/11 - 10:12 AM 2161 5659 514 6636 871 564 248 315
Qualification 66   Wed 4/11 - 11:11 AM 271 3624 6423 5016 514 352 401 330
Playoff Matches
Record: 1 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 3

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 4   Wed 4/11 - 2:01 PM Alliance 3 Alliance 6



514 3137 6806 5016 296 2914
Quarterfinal 8   Alliance 3 Alliance 6



514 3137 6806 5016 296 2914
Tiebreaker 4   Alliance 3 Alliance 6



514 3137 6806 5016 296 2914