Team Avatar Team 7056 - The F.A.S.T. Team - Fowlerville Area Scientific Technicians (2018)

2018 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Detroit
2018 Sponsors: Fowlerville High School

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FIM District Lansing Event

  March 22 to March 24, 2018

Awards Event
12 5 10 0 27
Qualification Matches
Rank: 23 of 40
Record: 5 Wins, 7 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 4 Fri 3/23 - 11:32 AM 5710 7056 6638 5559 5150 7202 122 317
Qualification 8 Fri 3/23 - 12:13 PM 7101 7056 6556 5710 6085 7195 254 229
Qualification 15 Fri 3/23 - 2:00 PM 5676 2611 5282 5523 7195 7056 304 210
Qualification 23 Fri 3/23 - 3:05 PM 302 7056 4568 494 6958 6556 266 331
Qualification 31 Fri 3/23 - 4:10 PM 7222 7166 7056 6638 6594 6592 355 78
Qualification 37 Fri 3/23 - 4:50 PM 7056 494 3357 6078 4568 6085 418 117
Qualification 41 Fri 3/23 - 5:24 PM 6591 7166 3357 7056 4216 6958 369 323
Qualification 50 Fri 3/23 - 6:33 PM 7226 7197 6556 7254 5676 7056 254 306
Qualification 55 Fri 3/23 - 7:12 PM 7195 7254 6595 7056 5238 6591 198 403
Qualification 63 Sat 3/24 - 10:11 AM 5523 4216 5710 7221 7056 7144 350 213
Qualification 71 Sat 3/24 - 11:11 AM 5205 5688 1504 7056 6635 5559 318 179
Qualification 77 Sat 3/24 - 11:49 AM 302 5238 5674 7197 7289 7056 498 310
Playoff Matches
Record: 2 Wins and 3 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 2 of Alliance 5

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 2 Sat 3/24 - 12:55 PM Alliance 4 Alliance 5



2611 5676 7144 6556 5205 7056
Quarterfinal 6 Alliance 4 Alliance 5



2611 5676 7144 6556 5205 7056
Tiebreaker 2 Alliance 4 Alliance 5



2611 5676 7144 6556 5205 7056
Semifinal 1 Alliance 1 Alliance 5



494 5674 6078 6556 5205 7056
Semifinal 3 Alliance 1 Alliance 5



494 5674 6078 6556 5205 7056

FIM District Lakeview Event

  April 5 to April 7, 2018

Awards Event
14 8 0 8 30
Qualification Matches
Rank: 16 of 40
Record: 6 Wins, 6 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 5 Fri 4/6 - 7:30 AM 5685 6011 5688 4482 7203 7056 227 199
Qualification 12 Fri 4/6 - 8:19 AM 5462 7056 5144 7187 6589 6588 342 206
Qualification 20 Fri 4/6 - 2:15 PM 5256 7056 5710 7222 5182 6580 271 400
Qualification 25 Fri 4/6 - 2:52 PM 6053 5685 7056 3688 6119 3656 217 405
Qualification 30 Fri 4/6 - 3:26 PM 5710 6580 2959 7056 5708 3656 304 418
Qualification 40 Fri 4/6 - 4:36 PM 4327 5502 7056 5535 3658 6425 246 312
Qualification 47 Fri 4/6 - 5:21 PM 1677 5462 5256 7056 5227 7222 291 309
Qualification 50 Fri 4/6 - 5:42 PM 5708 4327 5227 5182 7056 2834 248 316
Qualification 56 Fri 4/6 - 6:22 PM 6425 7222 2834 6589 7056 6642 387 298
Qualification 63 Sat 4/7 - 9:54 AM 7056 7221 6138 6580 5144 6053 272 165
Qualification 69 Sat 4/7 - 10:40 AM 7056 7209 5688 7203 4408 6002 337 326
Qualification 77 Sat 4/7 - 11:36 AM 7219 2054 7187 3658 7197 7056 428 305
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 2 of Alliance 8

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1 Sat 4/7 - 2:00 PM Alliance 1 Alliance 8



2054 3656 7209 5688 5502 7056
Quarterfinal 5 Alliance 1 Alliance 8



2054 3656 7209 5688 5502 7056

Michigan State Championship - DTE Energy Foundation Division

  April 11 to April 14, 2018

Awards Event
27 0 0 15 42
Qualification Matches
Rank: 33 of 41
Record: 3 Wins, 9 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 1 Thu 4/12 - 3:36 PM 1918 4384 7187 7056 2137 6121 249 223
Qualification 13 Thu 4/12 - 5:13 PM 1023 7056 5460 4819 4216 4392 348 349
Qualification 17 Thu 4/12 - 5:40 PM 5046 1596 1701 7056 6087 3620 330 388
Qualification 26 Fri 4/13 - 9:29 AM 3707 2337 5155 4392 7056 6090 433 311
Qualification 34 Fri 4/13 - 10:26 AM 6121 5980 5216 1701 3535 7056 369 424
Qualification 38 Fri 4/13 - 10:56 AM 67 5155 7056 2337 7226 3656 322 421
Qualification 44 Fri 4/13 - 11:41 AM 2137 2474 1023 7056 5517 5555 475 208
Qualification 49 Fri 4/13 - 12:21 PM 1918 7056 2337 6117 3572 6087 397 328
Qualification 56 Fri 4/13 - 2:26 PM 7187 7056 3572 5501 5555 2474 216 382
Qualification 63 Fri 4/13 - 3:15 PM 7244 5561 7056 6099 5980 70 224 386
Qualification 75 Fri 4/13 - 4:48 PM 7056 5216 4384 33 5517 4381 297 479
Qualification 81 Fri 4/13 - 5:32 PM 6121 6090 5460 5980 5709 7056 481 209
Playoff Matches

Michigan State Championship

  April 11 to April 14, 2018

District teams are ranked against all teams in their district and the final rankings, once all district events have been played, are used to determine eligibility for District Championships and/or the FIRST Championship. More Info...

Total Points: 109
Rank: 134 of 508 teams in the FIRST In Michigan District (Full Rankings )

Qualified for District Championship: Yes ()
Qualified for FIRST Championship: No

Team 7056 had the following district points activities in the 2018 season:
Event/Activity Total
FIM District Lansing Event 27
FIM District Lakeview Event 30
Michigan State Championship - DTE Energy Foundation Division 42
Team Age 10

If Team 7056 is tied with any other FIRST In Michigan teams in total District Ranking Points, the tie will be broken using the following criteria:

Level Description Value
Level 1 Total Playoff Round Performance Points 10
Level 2 Max Playoff Round Performance Points 10
Level 3 Total Alliance Selection Points 13
Level 4 Max Alliance Selection Points 8
Level 5 Total Qualification Points 53
Level 6 Highest Match Score 445
Level 7 Second Highest Match Score 424
Level 8 Third Highest Match Score 418
Level 9 Random Sort ---

FSU Roboday

  September 29 to September 29, 2018

Qualification Matches
Rank: 7 of 19
Record: 5 Wins, 3 Losses and 0 Ties - 8 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 3 Sat 9/29 - 9:43 AM 5260 5926 5256 5084 7056 9999 192 388
Qualification 6 Sat 9/29 - 10:13 AM 2054 9999 1918 494 5162 7056 342 321
Qualification 10 Sat 9/29 - 10:53 AM 1918 3536 7254 7056 3875 5926 297 350
Qualification 12 Sat 9/29 - 12:43 PM 7056 7211 5162 5926 5084 4956 159 384
Qualification 14 Sat 9/29 - 1:12 PM 7056 5501 4776 3875 4956 5162 435 227
Qualification 18 Sat 9/29 - 1:43 PM 2054 4776 5084 5260 1918 7056 213 439
Qualification 20 Sat 9/29 - 2:02 PM 5256 7056 2054 7254 5260 5501 358 309
Qualification 23 Sat 9/29 - 2:26 PM 4956 7056 7254 9999 494 5260 235 418
Playoff Matches