Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Wed 4/10 - 7:15 PM 6963 5927 548 6020 2474 1189
Practice 2 Wed 4/10 - 7:25 PM 217 27 4004 6344 2054 1718
Practice 3 Wed 4/10 - 7:37 PM 5676 910 7769 141 2054 3602
Practice 4 Wed 4/10 - 7:47 PM 6548 573 7769 5901 2054 2767
Practice 5 Wed 4/10 - 7:58 PM 6548 7809 7769 67 2054 27
Practice 6 Wed 4/10 - 8:06 PM 6548 4130 4381 5048 2054 7211
Practice 7 Wed 4/10 - 8:18 PM 6548 7769 2048 7660 67 7211
Practice 8 Wed 4/10 - 8:28 PM 5676 5567 2054 141 67 5048
Practice 9 Thu 4/11 - 8:40 AM 548 5567 7211 141 67 2054
Practice 10 Thu 4/11 - 8:49 AM 217 5567 7211 2767 67 4130
Practice 11 Thu 4/11 - 8:57 AM 548 5567 7211 2054 67 4130
Practice 12 Thu 4/11 - 9:07 AM 4130 2960 7211 2054 1481 5676
Practice 13 Thu 4/11 - 9:17 AM 2832 5567 7211 2054 141 5676
Practice 14 Thu 4/11 - 9:28 AM 3357 5567 7211 3602 67 6963
Practice 15 Thu 4/11 - 9:59 AM 1718 6963 7211 2048 5676 2054
Practice 16 Thu 4/11 - 10:11 AM 1481 5567 27 141 6090 217
Practice 17 Thu 4/11 - 10:21 AM 1481 7211 548 6090 141 7809
Practice 18 Thu 4/11 - 10:36 AM 548 226 6090 2048 217 3770
Practice 19 Thu 4/11 - 10:54 AM 5676 3770 6090 2048 7809 2767
Practice 20 Thu 4/11 - 11:08 AM 573 1481 6548 5048 226 3770
Practice 21 Thu 4/11 - 11:18 AM 2048 1481 141 573 226 548
Practice 22 Thu 4/11 - 11:27 AM 2767 1481 3357 3770 548 27
Practice 23 Thu 4/11 - 12:35 PM 67 6963 2048 1718 1481 4130
Practice 24 Thu 4/11 - 12:48 PM 141 2767 2048 1718 67 4130
Practice 25 Thu 4/11 - 12:58 PM 5567 4381 2767 4568 67 3602
Practice 26 Thu 4/11 - 1:08 PM 2767 27 1718 5567 67 4130
Practice 27 Thu 4/11 - 1:18 PM 5927 2054 910 7211 5567 3770
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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