Team 181 - Birds Of Prey (2017)

2017 Robot: Gear-y
2017 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - St. Louis
2017 Sponsors: United Technologies/Pratt & Whitney/Stanley Black & Decker&Hphs Academy of Engineering and Green Technology&Pathways to Technology Magnet School

Team 181's 2017 Awards
Award Event
District Event Winner NE District - Waterbury Event

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NE District - Waterbury Event

  March 3 to March 5, 2017

Awards Event
10 3 30 0 43
Qualification Matches
Rank: 29 of 42
Record: 4 Wins, 6 Losses and 1 Ties - 11 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 1 Sat 3/4 - 12:39 PM 3654 999 3104 3525 181 237 90 145
Qualification 11 Sat 3/4 - 3:35 PM 155 5856 195 181 4572 175 145 120
Qualification 20 Sat 3/4 - 5:46 PM 2836 181 3634 175 3525 178 160 146
Qualification 26 Sat 3/4 - 6:58 PM 230 181 558 1099 1071 3654 74 165
Qualification 29 Sat 3/4 - 7:32 PM 558 2170 176 5746 181 4628 212 165
Qualification 41 Sun 3/5 - 8:52 AM 6675 716 228 177 3654 181 305 305
Qualification 44 Sun 3/5 - 9:22 AM 181 178 1124 5686 236 3525 190 210
Qualification 54 Sun 3/5 - 10:47 AM 181 5129 3555 195 2067 5746 80 223
Qualification 63 Sun 3/5 - 11:59 AM 4097 176 181 5142 237 3634 160 146
Qualification 66 Sun 3/5 - 12:19 PM 181 3464 1071 3555 4097 4557 305 190
Qualification 74 Sun 3/5 - 1:27 PM 4055 2064 5686 181 6346 3104 196 185
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 2 of Alliance 3
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 4 Sun 3/5 - 3:20 PM Alliance 3 Alliance 6



181 236 3654 4097 5129 5856
Quarterfinal 8 Alliance 3 Alliance 6



181 236 3654 4097 5129 5856
Semifinal 2 Alliance 2 Alliance 3



4055 2067 716 3654 236 181
Semifinal 4 Alliance 2 Alliance 3



4055 2067 716 3654 236 181
Final 1 Alliance 1 Alliance 3



178 3464 177 3654 236 181
Final 2 Alliance 1 Alliance 3



178 3464 177 3654 236 181

NE District - Hartford Event

  March 31 to April 2, 2017

Awards Event
15 10 0 0 25
Qualification Matches
Rank: 15 of 42
Record: 7 Wins, 5 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 4 Sat 4/1 - 11:32 AM 4987 1991 181 3464 558 6346 264 205
Qualification 11 Sat 4/1 - 12:30 PM 181 2836 3634 4987 2067 3654 305 161
Qualification 18 Sat 4/1 - 2:08 PM 228 3182 230 2170 3104 181 222 250
Qualification 28 Sat 4/1 - 3:23 PM 3146 173 236 2067 181 175 263 150
Qualification 34 Sat 4/1 - 12:19 PM 1991 571 5347 181 3146 1973 408 240
Qualification 41 Sat 4/1 - 5:18 PM 177 181 4557 3104 2836 571 190 140
Qualification 47 Sat 4/1 - 6:02 PM 181 3461 558 5746 839 5142 345 197
Qualification 51 Sat 4/1 - 6:34 PM 178 5686 2170 181 5746 6346 240 245
Qualification 63 Sun 4/2 - 9:19 AM 5129 3555 181 195 6723 6333 145 334
Qualification 70 Sun 4/2 - 10:13 AM 173 181 6675 558 3555 4557 235 280
Qualification 75 Sun 4/2 - 10:53 AM 177 5422 3634 4628 181 3182 190 95
Qualification 79 Sun 4/2 - 11:22 AM 3555 1699 6333 178 228 181 235 258
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 7

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 3 Sun 4/2 - 2:43 PM Alliance 2 Alliance 7



3461 230 999 181 177 3146
Quarterfinal 7 Alliance 2 Alliance 7



3461 230 999 181 177 3146

New England District Championship

  April 5 to April 8, 2017

Awards Event
21 0 0 0 21
Qualification Matches
Rank: 58 of 64
Record: 4 Wins, 8 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 9 Thu 4/6 - 2:08 PM 348 3958 5422 238 230 181 305 245
Qualification 18 Thu 4/6 - 3:17 PM 716 1071 213 181 4151 5563 273 310
Qualification 30 Thu 4/6 - 4:53 PM 181 6690 177 6328 4041 2084 310 255
Qualification 38 Thu 4/6 - 5:50 PM 131 133 3467 181 4906 1073 336 180
Qualification 47 Fri 4/7 - 9:22 AM 125 181 5846 1922 2523 2342 299 265
Qualification 54 Fri 4/7 - 10:18 AM 2370 5813 3623 181 1922 1757 350 255
Qualification 72 Fri 4/7 - 1:32 PM 4176 4169 6201 4041 5422 181 255 311
Qualification 81 Fri 4/7 - 2:37 PM 999 177 4564 173 181 1153 346 326
Qualification 92 Fri 4/7 - 4:04 PM 5813 181 1058 1721 78 5687 256 295
Qualification 102 Fri 4/7 - 5:24 PM 58 181 501 4908 2648 3464 260 298
Qualification 116 Sat 4/8 - 10:12 AM 2168 95 4905 6201 181 5556 345 205
Qualification 122 Sat 4/8 - 10:59 AM 1519 558 181 3719 5735 195 345 357
Playoff Matches

District teams are ranked against all teams in their district and the final rankings, once all district events have been played, are used to determine eligibility for District Championships and/or the FIRST Championship. More Info...

Total Points: 89
Rank: 63 of 194 teams in the New England District (Full Rankings )

Qualified for District Championship: Yes ()
Qualified for FIRST Championship: No

Team 181 had the following district points activities in the 2017 season:
Event/Activity Total
NE District - Waterbury Event 43
NE District - Hartford Event 25
New England District Championship 21

If Team 181 is tied with any other New England teams in total District Ranking Points, the tie will be broken using the following criteria:

Level Description Value
Level 1 Total Playoff Round Performance Points 30
Level 2 Max Playoff Round Performance Points 30
Level 3 Total Alliance Selection Points 13
Level 4 Max Alliance Selection Points 10
Level 5 Total Qualification Points 46
Level 6 Highest Match Score 345
Level 7 Second Highest Match Score 345
Level 8 Third Highest Match Score 330
Level 9 Random Sort ---

BattleCry 18

  May 19 to May 21, 2017

Qualification Matches
Rank: 26 of 59
Record: 4 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Ties - 8 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 2 Sat 5/20 - 10:31 AM 2079 716 181 467 4151 121 311 155
Qualification 12 Sat 5/20 - 12:00 PM 176 238 172 88 181 228 266 260
Qualification 26 Sat 5/20 - 2:32 PM 133 9988 2168 501 4564 181 307 285
Qualification 37 Sat 5/20 - 4:01 PM 2084 237 181 885 173 319 267 295
Qualification 42 Sat 5/20 - 4:39 PM 157 175 195 181 5459 138 360 232
Qualification 53 Sat 5/20 - 5:58 PM 2877 5556 999 1058 5030 181 307 353
Qualification 62 Sat 5/20 - 7:02 PM 1474 138 4987 4055 5846 181 187 237
Qualification 72 Sun 5/21 - 9:29 AM 1735 181 190 4122 6763 4564 286 257
Playoff Matches