Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Wed 4/27 - 6:10 PM 5926 4039 3102 1391 5050 6032
Practice 2 Wed 4/27 - 6:25 PM 1671 4534 498 236 3602 6075
Practice 3 Wed 4/27 - 6:35 PM 5624 3847 1629 2064 45 3534
Practice 4 Wed 4/27 - 6:47 PM 3932 3389 3211 2637 1973 1768
Practice 5 Wed 4/27 - 7:02 PM 3847 999 6082 498 4590 5876
Practice 6 Wed 4/27 - 7:10 PM 2881 1208 3847 1318 4828 5876
Practice 7 Wed 4/27 - 7:20 PM 1501 1257 1325 401 4911 5842
Practice 8 Wed 4/27 - 7:29 PM 5401 1923 1986 5024 980 5987
Practice 9 Wed 4/27 - 7:40 PM 4931 2881 3135 4039 4519 3098
Practice 10 Wed 4/27 - 7:47 PM 5858 1310 3533 4103 5878 4508
Practice 11 Wed 4/27 - 7:55 PM 3630 4125 5404 5401 999 4534
Practice 12 Wed 4/27 - 8:03 PM 4931 4003 4039 2338 180 1986
Practice 13 Wed 4/27 - 8:11 PM 1540 3166 5876 4183 1325 401
All times are displayed in Central Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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