Team 8788 - Special Forces BallistaBots (2022)

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From: Crestview, Florida, USA
Rookie Year: 2022
2022 Robot: Close Enough
2022 Sponsors: HSU Educational Foundation & HSU Educational Foundation - Crestview High Students
Regional Rankings
2022 Sponsors: HSU Educational Foundation & HSU Educational Foundation - Crestview High Students
Regional Rankings
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Tallahassee Regional
March 16 to March 19, 2022Qualification Matches
Record: 4 Wins, 8 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 5 | Fri 3/18 - 9:44 AM | 8788 | 86 | 34 | 8841 | 4576 | 7431 | 43 | 56 |
Qualification 12 | Fri 3/18 - 10:41 AM | 4336 | 8788 | 4013 | 6473 | 386 | 4087 | 18 | 59 |
Qualification 18 | Fri 3/18 - 11:27 AM | 7431 | 2556 | 4336 | 6473 | 8788 | 1902 | 40 | 46 |
Qualification 24 | Fri 3/18 - 1:24 PM | 8788 | 7431 | 5997 | 4336 | 5276 | 79 | 29 | 37 |
Qualification 28 | Fri 3/18 - 1:55 PM | 4187 | 3039 | 8788 | 4576 | 6722 | 5276 | 43 | 61 |
Qualification 33 | Fri 3/18 - 2:58 PM | 2992 | 8732 | 34 | 2556 | 4087 | 8788 | 40 | 42 |
Qualification 37 | Fri 3/18 - 3:33 PM | 1421 | 1056 | 2556 | 8732 | 4065 | 8788 | 40 | 23 |
Qualification 44 | Fri 3/18 - 4:36 PM | 5816 | 5410 | 4065 | 5276 | 1912 | 8788 | 42 | 38 |
Qualification 49 | Fri 3/18 - 5:12 PM | 1056 | 8044 | 4576 | 5410 | 8788 | 4179 | 89 | 44 |
Qualification 55 | Sat 3/19 - 9:23 AM | 8788 | 4576 | 8778 | 86 | 4013 | 1902 | 36 | 54 |
Qualification 61 | Sat 3/19 - 10:23 AM | 3140 | 8788 | 8044 | 8732 | 456 | 6184 | 66 | 48 |
Qualification 69 | Sat 3/19 - 11:28 AM | 6722 | 1912 | 4562 | 8788 | 386 | 6184 | 21 | 64 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 8788 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event
FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition - Roebling Division
April 20 to April 23, 2022Qualification Matches
Record: 1 Wins, 9 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 6 | Thu 4/21 - 9:18 AM | 3539 | 8788 | 2341 | 1902 | 4451 | 3620 | 94 | 113 |
Qualification 23 | Thu 4/21 - 11:34 AM | 2075 | 2531 | 4481 | 2212 | 4775 | 8788 | 131 | 23 |
Qualification 38 | Thu 4/21 - 2:29 PM | 1218 | 1293 | 2471 | 6078 | 8788 | 359 | 110 | 77 |
Qualification 46 | Thu 4/21 - 3:26 PM | 4607 | 3310 | 5827 | 8788 | 3636 | 5940 | 139 | 118 |
Qualification 54 | Thu 4/21 - 4:25 PM | 2869 | 4013 | 8788 | 3182 | 4795 | 7457 | 18 | 97 |
Qualification 65 | Thu 4/21 - 5:45 PM | 8788 | 1701 | 2834 | 1923 | 7419 | 4362 | 85 | 88 |
Qualification 78 | Fri 4/22 - 9:34 AM | 6328 | 8840 | 5437 | 2199 | 7419 | 8788 | 84 | 76 |
Qualification 89 | Fri 4/22 - 11:04 AM | 176 | 7485 | 8788 | 4130 | 7483 | 6078 | 105 | 52 |
Qualification 102 | Fri 4/22 - 1:46 PM | 3374 | 4143 | 8861 | 41 | 8788 | 3182 | 91 | 64 |
Qualification 120 | Fri 4/22 - 3:58 PM | 2016 | 3467 | 67 | 8788 | 5913 | 4488 | 144 | 89 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 8788 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event
FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition
April 20 to April 23, 2022
No Matches Yet This team is not yet listed in a Qualification or Playoff schedule at this event.