Team Avatar Team 7457 - suPURDUEper Robotics (2022)

2022 Sponsors: NASA/Mundell & Associates/Indiana Manufacturing Competitiveness Center/Rolls Royce&Purdue Polytechnic High School

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FIN District Columbus Event presented by Toyota

  March 18 to March 20, 2022

Awards Event
22 16 30 5 73
Qualification Matches
Rank: 1 of 30
Record: 12 Wins, 0 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 2 Sat 3/19 - 11:12 AM 1741 8116 234 7457 1018 6956 28 65
Qualification 6 Sat 3/19 - 11:45 AM 7657 7457 7198 8116 1018 8564 67 34
Qualification 14 Sat 3/19 - 12:45 PM 6498 71 5188 7457 135 4485 12 52
Qualification 18 Sat 3/19 - 2:26 PM 6498 8116 7457 8103 8564 45 67 31
Qualification 25 Sat 3/19 - 3:15 PM 7457 447 3176 6721 6498 2171 60 20
Qualification 29 Sat 3/19 - 3:46 PM 4926 7457 45 3176 8103 1741 75 37
Qualification 33 Sat 3/19 - 4:17 PM 7454 6721 7457 1018 3176 3559 75 54
Qualification 39 Sat 3/19 - 5:10 PM 1529 8103 7457 7617 234 1720 75 64
Qualification 44 Sat 3/19 - 5:59 PM 7657 2171 4926 3940 7457 5188 30 100
Qualification 49 Sun 3/20 - 9:31 AM 6956 1024 4485 234 7457 8564 76 86
Qualification 55 Sun 3/20 - 10:16 AM 1720 71 7457 8564 7454 2867 58 22
Qualification 58 Sun 3/20 - 10:37 AM 447 71 45 7457 1024 1741 37 76
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 1
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1 Sun 3/20 - 1:20 PM Alliance 1 Alliance 8



3940 7457 1741 3176 6498 3559
Quarterfinal 5 Alliance 1 Alliance 8



3940 7457 1741 3176 6498 3559
Semifinal 1 Alliance 1 Alliance 4



3940 7457 1741 4926 45 5188
Semifinal 3 Alliance 1 Alliance 4



3940 7457 1741 4926 45 5188
Final 1 Alliance 1 Alliance 6



3940 7457 1741 234 447 1018
Final 2 Alliance 1 Alliance 6



3940 7457 1741 234 447 1018

FIN District Tippecanoe Event

  March 24 to March 26, 2022

Awards Event
22 16 30 5 73
Qualification Matches
Rank: 1 of 39
Record: 12 Wins, 0 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 1 Fri 3/25 - 10:54 AM 135 7457 4926 71 4982 8564 83 32
Qualification 13 Fri 3/25 - 12:24 PM 8742 2197 7457 1018 1747 8103 70 41
Qualification 19 Fri 3/25 - 2:26 PM 7457 71 8103 5402 8742 868 62 61
Qualification 24 Fri 3/25 - 3:06 PM 4485 5402 7457 7198 71 5010 91 52
Qualification 29 Fri 3/25 - 3:52 PM 4485 1018 1741 3936 7457 8564 27 66
Qualification 33 Fri 3/25 - 4:20 PM 135 1646 1501 1555 7457 5188 52 83
Qualification 41 Fri 3/25 - 5:29 PM 3865 461 1529 7457 3147 1747 51 95
Qualification 47 Fri 3/25 - 6:18 PM 1501 7198 7457 3865 5484 2867 128 33
Qualification 53 Fri 3/25 - 7:00 PM 71 7657 6721 234 7457 4982 47 88
Qualification 60 Sat 3/26 - 9:34 AM 4982 2171 3176 7457 4272 292 48 113
Qualification 66 Sat 3/26 - 10:21 AM 7457 1741 829 3176 7477 7198 96 47
Qualification 77 Sat 3/26 - 11:45 AM 7617 234 3147 2867 5010 7457 58 80
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 1
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1 Sat 3/26 - 1:18 PM Alliance 1 Alliance 8



1501 7457 4982 5402 135 1747
Quarterfinal 5 Alliance 1 Alliance 8



1501 7457 4982 5402 135 1747
Semifinal 1 Alliance 1 Alliance 4



1501 7457 4982 5484 234 1018
Semifinal 3 Alliance 1 Alliance 4



1501 7457 4982 5484 234 1018
Final 1 Alliance 1 Alliance 7



1501 7457 4982 7617 5010 3494
Final 2 Alliance 1 Alliance 7



1501 7457 4982 7617 5010 3494

FIRST Indiana State Championship

  April 14 to April 16, 2022

Awards Event
57 48 60 0 165
Qualification Matches
Rank: 4 of 32
Record: 9 Wins, 2 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (1 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 5   Fri 4/15 - 11:31 AM 3147 8742 7198 45 7457 3494 79 70
Qualification 9   Fri 4/15 - 12:03 PM 461 1501 7457 45 4926 7454 100 96
Qualification 14   Fri 4/15 - 12:42 PM 7617 234 1018 7198 7457 8564 64 90
Qualification 19   Fri 4/15 - 6:34 PM 4982 1024 3940 7457 4272 4926 87 119
Qualification 22   Fri 4/15 - 2:59 PM 8742 1024 7457 3147 7454 292 128 98
Qualification 28   Fri 4/15 - 3:44 PM 7457 5010 6956 4272 868 6498 98 90
Qualification 34   Fri 4/15 - 4:25 PM 7457 447 3176 5484 1501 3487 122 72
Qualification 39   Fri 4/15 - 5:02 PM 3487 461 3147 234 7457 8116 91 103
Qualification 44   Fri 4/15 - 5:38 PM 1741 234 4926 7457 6498 135 71 105
Qualification 50   Sat 4/16 - 9:30 AM 7454 5484 7457 3494 4272 447 82 84
Qualification 55   Sat 4/16 - 10:04 AM 8116 5484 3487 868 7457 829 90 111
Qualification 60   Sat 4/16 - 10:41 AM 8742 135 45 1720 3487 7457 83 94
Playoff Matches
Record: 5 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 1

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1   Sat 4/16 - 1:17 PM Alliance 1 Alliance 8



7457 3176 3147 234 868 135
Quarterfinal 5   Alliance 1 Alliance 8



7457 3176 3147 234 868 135
Semifinal 1   Alliance 1 Alliance 4



7457 3176 3147 4272 5010 6498
Semifinal 3   Alliance 1 Alliance 4



7457 3176 3147 4272 5010 6498
Final 1   Alliance 1 Alliance 3



7457 3176 3147 829 4926 7617
Final 2   Alliance 1 Alliance 3



7457 3176 3147 829 4926 7617
Final 3   Alliance 1 Alliance 3



7457 3176 3147 829 4926 7617
Overtime 1 Alliance 1 Alliance 3



7457 8742 3147 829 4926 7617

FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition - Roebling Division

  April 20 to April 23, 2022

Qualification Matches
Rank: 36 of 76
Record: 5 Wins, 5 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 12   Thu 4/21 - 10:03 AM 4362 7457 2531 2199 2471 41 116 120
Qualification 22   Thu 4/21 - 11:27 AM 2338 4488 5900 7457 6328 5940 123 113
Qualification 33   Thu 4/21 - 1:48 PM 4593 4130 2212 7457 3636 6838 91 121
Qualification 43   Thu 4/21 - 3:04 PM 4775 7457 8717 3534 4451 4795 85 136
Qualification 54   Thu 4/21 - 4:25 PM 2869 4013 8788 3182 4795 7457 18 97
Qualification 66   Thu 4/21 - 5:53 PM 5913 3075 7457 1218 4020 4143 93 118
Qualification 80   Fri 4/22 - 9:50 AM 5913 4265 2478 1987 7457 359 108 101
Qualification 93   Fri 4/22 - 12:39 PM 8840 1701 7457 8861 340 1902 89 78
Qualification 109   Fri 4/22 - 2:40 PM 2075 7457 230 1923 6800 2341 114 68
Qualification 118   Fri 4/22 - 3:43 PM 7457 1939 4829 6078 8853 1701 158 98
Playoff Matches

FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition

  April 20 to April 23, 2022

District teams are ranked against all teams in their district and the final rankings, once all district events have been played, are used to determine eligibility for District Championships and/or the FIRST Championship. More Info...

Total Points: 311
Rank: 1 of 64 teams in the FIRST Indiana Robotics District (Full Rankings )

Qualified for District Championship: Yes (DistrictPoints)
Qualified for FIRST Championship: No

Team 7457 had the following district points activities in the 2022 season:
Event/Activity Total
FIN District Columbus Event presented by Toyota 73
FIN District Tippecanoe Event 73
FIRST Indiana State Championship 165

If Team 7457 is tied with any other FIRST Indiana Robotics teams in total District Ranking Points, the tie will be broken using the following criteria:

Level Description Value
Level 1 Total Playoff Round Performance Points 120
Level 2 Max Playoff Round Performance Points 60
Level 3 Total Alliance Selection Points 80
Level 4 Max Alliance Selection Points 48
Level 5 Total Qualification Points 101
Level 6 Highest Match Score 128
Level 7 Second Highest Match Score 128
Level 8 Third Highest Match Score 126
Level 9 Random Sort ---