Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Wed 4/17 - 6:20 PM 1730 3035 6072 4613 3196 2556
Practice 2 Wed 4/17 - 6:28 PM 5468 1726 4522 1094 5199 3478
Practice 3 Wed 4/17 - 6:41 PM 4522 3284 5716 1730 6672 254
Practice 4 Wed 4/17 - 6:50 PM 5012 4125 948 5805 5199 1700
Practice 5 Wed 4/17 - 6:59 PM 1730 6672 7308 254 4451 2403
Practice 6 Wed 4/17 - 7:07 PM 3310 6579 2733 3937 1700 5199
Practice 7 Wed 4/17 - 7:13 PM 3284 7494 6579 4513 6672 4451
Practice 8 Wed 4/17 - 7:26 PM 2403 1726 2383 649 6377 1622
Practice 9 Wed 4/17 - 7:34 PM 5930 589 1730 254 1619 2556
Practice 10 Wed 4/17 - 7:46 PM 7308 7753 6831 3966 6144 1421
Practice 11 Wed 4/17 - 7:53 PM 2930 6391 4125 2383 3310 7840
Practice 12 Wed 4/17 - 8:03 PM 7464 2582 1868 2403 7724 3937
All times are displayed in Central Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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