Practice Schedule

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Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3
Practice 1 Thu 4/14 - 9:44 AM 865 5406 7480 4476 1241 2706
Practice 2 Thu 4/14 - 9:50 AM 2200 3683 610 4039 4946 5032
Practice 3 Thu 4/14 - 10:01 AM 4343 8765 4678 6864 8089 2056
Practice 4 Thu 4/14 - 10:05 AM 6875 5672 3161 1114 1360 8574
Practice 5 Thu 4/14 - 10:13 AM 914 1241 2013 2200 2198 6978
Practice 6 Thu 4/14 - 9:55 AM 772 7659 4903 8731 3560 6865
Practice 7 Thu 4/14 - 10:27 AM 610 6397 4152 1325 2386 4069
Practice 8 Thu 4/14 - 10:31 AM 5031 5024 7480 1305 6135 4343
Practice 9 Thu 4/14 - 10:38 AM 4476 4976 1114 8789 781 4039
Practice 10 Thu 4/14 - 10:42 AM 8729 7520 5409 4917 7757 3683
Practice 11 Thu 4/14 - 10:49 AM 4903 2609 5036 2056 3739 4015
Practice 12 Thu 4/14 - 10:54 AM 5031 5032 4039 1241 2013 865
Practice 13 Thu 4/14 - 11:08 AM 2706 8731 4476 4678 1114 7902
Practice 14 Thu 4/14 - 11:05 AM 4946 6978 1241 7480 914 4343
Practice 15 Thu 4/14 - 11:18 AM 1360 6875 4907 5024 4069 6864
Practice 16 Thu 4/14 - 11:17 AM 2198 8764 4039 4152 1241 4976
Practice 17 Thu 4/14 - 11:31 AM 2386 2200 4946 5409 6978 781
Practice 18 Thu 4/14 - 11:25 AM 7757 914 3543 5406 1114 8789
Practice 19 Thu 4/14 - 11:41 AM 4903 8729 1305 1374 7659 6397
Practice 20 Thu 4/14 - 11:49 AM 6135 4917 1325 3739 4476 8884
Practice 21 Thu 4/14 - 11:53 AM 8089 4039 5032 8574 5036 3161
Practice 22 Thu 4/14 - 11:59 AM 4951 6865 1241 7520 4617 4976
Practice 23 Thu 4/14 - 12:03 PM 771 5024 8764 2609 772 2706
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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