Team Avatar Team 1241 - THEORY6 (2022)

2022 Robot: Fender Bender
2022 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - FIRST Robotics Competition
2022 Sponsors: General Motors/Pratt & Whitney Canada/Johnston Industrial Plastics Limited/CSC/Zerox/DBG Canada Limited/Symcor/Rev Creations/Rakla Tires/Click N Print/Trans Canada/99Cent Depot/Dreams Convention Center/Studica/City of Mississauga/Peel District School Board&Rick Hansen S.S

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ONT District Humber College Series

  March 4 to March 6, 2022

ONT District Humber College Event Day 2

  March 6 to March 6, 2022

Awards Event
12 14 10 5 41
Qualification Matches
Rank: 10 of 17
Record: 4 Wins, 5 Losses and 0 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 1 Sun 3/6 - 10:15 AM 6397 4343 1241 6323 4951 2200 42 57
Qualification 4 Sun 3/6 - 11:00 AM 5409 4976 7480 1241 8735 3739 72 16
Qualification 8 Sun 3/6 - 11:50 AM 6323 1241 2200 3739 6978 4976 67 32
Qualification 9 Sun 3/6 - 12:00 PM 7659 4951 1241 4343 8731 4976 35 46
Qualification 12 Sun 3/6 - 12:26 PM 1241 4976 4951 5409 7902 7659 39 29
Qualification 16 Sun 3/6 - 1:47 PM 8731 7659 1241 4951 7480 6978 19 40
Qualification 20 Sun 3/6 - 2:33 PM 1241 6323 7902 5409 6978 6397 29 49
Qualification 23 Sun 3/6 - 3:02 PM 3560 1241 7480 6978 8731 8735 45 17
Qualification 24 Sun 3/6 - 3:17 PM 4476 1241 5409 7659 4343 6397 56 35
Playoff Matches
Record: 4 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 2

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Semifinal 2 Sun 3/6 - 4:58 PM 1241 4976 6397 7480 4476 6323 66 63
Semifinal 4 1241 4976 6397 7480 4476 6323 46 35
Final 1 5409 2200 7902 1241 4976 6397 70 54
Final 2 5409 2200 7902 1241 4976 6397 110 55

ONT District University of Waterloo Event Day 2

  March 26 to March 26, 2022

Awards Event
15 16 0 0 31
Qualification Matches
Rank: 6 of 17
Record: 6 Wins, 3 Losses and 0 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 2 Sat 3/26 - 9:55 AM 5406 772 4907 1241 2200 2056 89 141
Qualification 4 Sat 3/26 - 10:16 AM 1241 4617 772 610 1114 4476 76 121
Qualification 7 Sat 3/26 - 10:48 AM 4907 4617 781 1241 610 4678 61 117
Qualification 11 Sat 3/26 - 11:35 AM 4617 1241 5406 2200 4015 4917 80 49
Qualification 14 Sat 3/26 - 12:03 PM 781 4069 1241 4678 5406 6875 88 108
Qualification 17 Sat 3/26 - 1:38 PM 1241 6875 610 1334 772 4015 107 26
Qualification 20 Sat 3/26 - 2:06 PM 610 2056 1334 5406 1241 1114 90 110
Qualification 21 Sat 3/26 - 2:18 PM 4907 4917 2056 1334 4476 1241 109 107
Qualification 24 Sat 3/26 - 3:07 PM 6875 4069 2056 1114 1241 4917 84 104
Qualification 26 Sat 3/26 - 3:24 PM 1334 781 4617 4015 4907 1241 20 111
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 1

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Semifinal 1 Sat 3/26 - 4:32 PM 1241 4476 772 2200 4907 1114 97 114
Semifinal 3 1241 4476 772 2200 4907 1114 89 144

ONT District St. Mary C.S.S. Event Day 1

  April 9 to April 9, 2022

Qualification Matches
Rank: 4 of 16
Record: 6 Wins, 3 Losses and 0 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 2 Sat 4/9 - 10:00 AM 3560 2056 8574 4039 1241 4617 100 98
Qualification 6 Sat 4/9 - 10:41 AM 1114 1241 5024 4617 4946 4252 114 28
Qualification 7 Sat 4/9 - 10:51 AM 2056 8089 1241 4015 8574 8765 58 12
Qualification 11 Sat 4/9 - 11:35 AM 4946 3560 5024 1241 4039 4015 70 108
Qualification 13 Sat 4/9 - 12:04 PM 6135 3161 5024 8574 1241 4946 40 89
Qualification 14 Sat 4/9 - 12:15 PM 1114 4039 4917 8765 4252 1241 109 64
Qualification 17 Sat 4/9 - 1:43 PM 1241 8765 4917 3560 4617 8089 84 34
Qualification 22 Sat 4/9 - 2:56 PM 1241 3560 3161 1114 4015 4252 76 48
Qualification 23 Sat 4/9 - 3:07 PM 5024 4039 8574 8089 6135 1241 87 67
Playoff Matches
Record: 2 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 2

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Semifinal 2 Sat 4/9 - 4:32 PM 1241 4039 5024 4917 3560 3161 124 53
Semifinal 4 1241 4039 5024 4917 3560 3161 100 45
Final 1 1114 2056 8089 1241 4039 5024 136 99
Final 2 1114 2056 8089 1241 4039 5024 109 84

ONT District St. Mary C.S.S. Event Day 2

  April 10 to April 10, 2022

Qualification Matches
Rank: 4 of 18
Record: 5 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 2 Sun 4/10 - 9:55 AM 8884 1241 1374 4343 6978 8867 44 32
Qualification 4 Sun 4/10 - 10:18 AM 8867 3161 1241 914 7623 5409 62 87
Qualification 8 Sun 4/10 - 11:03 AM 3161 7659 5036 772 1241 1374 41 79
Qualification 10 Sun 4/10 - 11:23 AM 1374 5036 8867 1241 5409 781 4 101
Qualification 14 Sun 4/10 - 11:58 AM 781 772 6978 7623 4343 1241 45 86
Qualification 16 Sun 4/10 - 1:33 PM 772 8765 1241 4039 4343 5409 73 106
Qualification 20 Sun 4/10 - 2:12 PM 8765 5036 7623 6978 1241 914 18 80
Qualification 22 Sun 4/10 - 2:30 PM 1241 4039 5036 6978 5409 1325 72 85
Qualification 26 Sun 4/10 - 3:09 PM 8867 914 4039 1241 7659 8574 63 56
Playoff Matches
Record: 4 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 2
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Semifinal 2 Sun 4/10 - 4:43 PM 1241 5409 7623 4343 772 1374 122 81
Semifinal 4 1241 5409 7623 4343 772 1374 91 67
Final 1 1325 4039 8765 1241 5409 7623 75 98
Final 2 1325 4039 8765 1241 5409 7623 97 102

FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship

  April 13 to April 16, 2022

Awards Event
54 45 0 0 99
Qualification Matches
Rank: 11 of 67
Record: 8 Wins, 4 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 8 Thu 4/14 - 2:16 PM 7757 6978 1241 8574 2056 4951 45 75
Qualification 22 Thu 4/14 - 3:31 PM 5036 8735 8729 1241 4946 4678 37 124
Qualification 33 Thu 4/14 - 4:42 PM 4476 7659 8789 772 8884 1241 81 79
Qualification 43 Thu 4/14 - 5:48 PM 2706 4678 781 1241 8789 6135 88 74
Qualification 56 Fri 4/15 - 10:29 AM 1241 8764 1114 914 4907 865 113 82
Qualification 67 Fri 4/15 - 11:40 AM 2013 5031 5406 4917 1241 7480 96 149
Qualification 74 Fri 4/15 - 12:16 PM 5406 3739 1241 5672 7757 5031 110 38
Qualification 88 Fri 4/15 - 2:28 PM 1241 2386 3683 2609 1325 4152 109 80
Qualification 97 Fri 4/15 - 3:19 PM 5024 1241 8574 771 5409 4039 64 92
Qualification 107 Fri 4/15 - 4:20 PM 1360 5032 4343 2198 1241 781 78 121
Qualification 119 Fri 4/15 - 5:28 PM 8729 865 1241 6978 7902 3683 101 49
Qualification 133 Sat 4/16 - 10:33 AM 4069 6875 4015 8850 1241 3560 59 94
Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Technology

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 3 Sat 4/16 - 1:28 PM 1241 5409 2386 3683 4678 610 111 121
Quarterfinal 7 1241 5409 2386 3683 4678 610 106 138

District teams are ranked against all teams in their district and the final rankings, once all district events have been played, are used to determine eligibility for District Championships and/or the FIRST Championship. More Info...

Total Points: 171
Rank: 17 of 205 teams in the Ontario District (Full Rankings )

Qualified for District Championship: Yes (DistrictPoints)
Qualified for FIRST Championship: No

Team 1241 had the following district points activities in the 2022 season:
Event/Activity Total
ONT District Humber College Event Day 2 41
ONT District University of Waterloo Event Day 2 31
FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship 99

If Team 1241 is tied with any other Ontario teams in total District Ranking Points, the tie will be broken using the following criteria:

Level Description Value
Level 1 Total Playoff Round Performance Points 10
Level 2 Max Playoff Round Performance Points 10
Level 3 Total Alliance Selection Points 75
Level 4 Max Alliance Selection Points 45
Level 5 Total Qualification Points 81
Level 6 Highest Match Score 149
Level 7 Second Highest Match Score 141
Level 8 Third Highest Match Score 124
Level 9 Random Sort ---

RahChaCha Ruckus

  October 22 to October 22, 2022

Qualification Matches
Rank: 6 of 36
Record: 4 Wins, 2 Losses and 0 Ties - 6 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 5 Sat 10/22 - 9:27 AM 378 1241 2228 48 1559 5406 62 94
Qualification 10 Sat 10/22 - 10:10 AM 191 378 1405 1241 9996 9998 46 102
Qualification 14 Sat 10/22 - 10:41 AM 3015 7659 1507 1241 340 191 96 80
Qualification 19 Sat 10/22 - 11:18 AM 3951 1591 1518 2791 7659 1241 27 60
Qualification 25 Sat 10/22 - 12:54 PM 1360 1241 1591 340 3799 578 72 43
Qualification 32 Sat 10/22 - 1:46 PM 1511 3003 1241 9991 2228 2340 83 17
Playoff Matches
Record: 2 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 5

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 2 Sat 10/22 - 3:28 PM 9999 7659 1360 340 1241 1591 26 90
Quarterfinal 6 9999 7659 1360 340 1241 1591 12 123
Semifinal 1 4039 3015 6300 340 1241 1591 117 70
Semifinal 3 4039 3015 6300 340 1241 1591 101 74