Team 4284 - ScotBot4284 (2017)

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2017 Robot: Owen
2017 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - St. Louis
2017 Sponsors: Duke Energy / EST Analytical / Oak Hills Local Schools / Oak Hills Youth Athletics / Metal Working Group & Oak Hills High School
Regional Rankings
2017 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - St. Louis
2017 Sponsors: Duke Energy / EST Analytical / Oak Hills Local Schools / Oak Hills Youth Athletics / Metal Working Group & Oak Hills High School
Regional Rankings
Team 4284's 2017 Awards
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Miami Valley Regional
March 8 to March 11, 2017Qualification Matches
Record: 6 Wins, 5 Losses and 0 Ties - 11 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 6 | Fri 3/10 - 9:57 AM | 234 | 6384 | 4284 | 5667 | 279 | 5413 | 100 | 180 |
Qualification 10 | Fri 3/10 - 10:32 AM | 63 | 4284 | 5740 | 337 | 6185 | 5146 | 125 | 95 |
Qualification 16 | Fri 3/10 - 11:47 AM | 5492 | 451 | 4284 | 2856 | 1559 | 4085 | 105 | 180 |
Qualification 30 | Fri 3/10 - 1:51 PM | 6032 | 1038 | 379 | 4284 | 4085 | 1466 | 200 | 185 |
Qualification 39 | Fri 3/10 - 3:04 PM | 2783 | 1308 | 4521 | 2252 | 3010 | 4284 | 140 | 215 |
Qualification 45 | Fri 3/10 - 3:53 PM | 6084 | 4283 | 3966 | 1014 | 3814 | 4284 | 55 | 120 |
Qualification 49 | Fri 3/10 - 4:21 PM | 4284 | 4121 | 6765 | 3324 | 5492 | 2252 | 195 | 255 |
Qualification 59 | Fri 3/10 - 5:34 PM | 2172 | 554 | 6765 | 1317 | 4284 | 1038 | 223 | 230 |
Qualification 66 | Sat 3/11 - 9:13 AM | 4284 | 4145 | 2856 | 6384 | 5811 | 144 | 165 | 230 |
Qualification 77 | Sat 3/11 - 10:39 AM | 3266 | 3484 | 6032 | 3138 | 4284 | 3260 | 90 | 155 |
Qualification 83 | Sat 3/11 - 11:32 AM | 6084 | 4284 | 3324 | 3777 | 3260 | 5740 | 181 | 135 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 4284 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event
Midwest Regional
March 29 to April 1, 2017Qualification Matches
Record: 4 Wins, 4 Losses and 1 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 3 | Fri 3/31 - 9:17 AM | 5822 | 3488 | 4284 | 2781 | 5125 | 16 | 230 | 161 |
Qualification 16 | Fri 3/31 - 11:01 AM | 4284 | 3620 | 1781 | 383 | 3061 | 3067 | 409 | 201 |
Qualification 25 | Fri 3/31 - 1:03 PM | 3352 | 4284 | 1723 | 1405 | 1592 | 2781 | 256 | 310 |
Qualification 29 | Fri 3/31 - 1:35 PM | 111 | 4241 | 3110 | 2781 | 1986 | 4284 | 165 | 353 |
Qualification 40 | Fri 3/31 - 3:06 PM | 4096 | 2725 | 2709 | 4284 | 1739 | 1939 | 174 | 285 |
Qualification 48 | Fri 3/31 - 4:12 PM | 101 | 4284 | 4645 | 4524 | 1625 | 1756 | 255 | 255 |
Qualification 55 | Fri 3/31 - 5:10 PM | 2704 | 6651 | 4655 | 4213 | 4284 | 2151 | 230 | 190 |
Qualification 65 | Sat 4/1 - 10:03 AM | 1723 | 2338 | 3138 | 4284 | 4655 | 4524 | 307 | 175 |
Qualification 74 | Sat 4/1 - 11:11 AM | 5847 | 144 | 5934 | 4292 | 2704 | 4284 | 355 | 215 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 4284 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event
FIRST Championship - St. Louis - Darwin Subdivision
April 26 to April 29, 2017Qualification Matches
Record: 3 Wins, 7 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)
Match | Start Time | Red 1 | Red 2 | Red 3 | Blue 1 | Blue 2 | Blue 3 | Red Final | Blue Final |
Qualification 9 | Thu 4/27 - 9:41 AM | 4284 | 548 | 1155 | 6331 | 2512 | 302 | 259 | 333 |
Qualification 14 | Thu 4/27 - 10:37 AM | 2067 | 1418 | 4284 | 3928 | 1986 | 6460 | 307 | 372 |
Qualification 33 | Thu 4/27 - 2:44 PM | 48 | 369 | 537 | 1114 | 4284 | 6201 | 148 | 373 |
Qualification 38 | Thu 4/27 - 3:26 PM | 4814 | 229 | 610 | 4284 | 5505 | 3928 | 355 | 256 |
Qualification 57 | Fri 4/28 - 8:46 AM | 4284 | 3299 | 537 | 5162 | 836 | 5891 | 158 | 285 |
Qualification 66 | Fri 4/28 - 9:56 AM | 2869 | 4571 | 3324 | 359 | 4284 | 1885 | 235 | 332 |
Qualification 75 | Fri 4/28 - 1:05 PM | 4284 | 236 | 868 | 78 | 379 | 548 | 236 | 345 |
Qualification 80 | Fri 4/28 - 1:41 PM | 314 | 5279 | 3157 | 5413 | 4284 | 5166 | 275 | 325 |
Qualification 98 | Fri 4/28 - 4:04 PM | 6387 | 4525 | 3299 | 2502 | 4284 | 3719 | 345 | 295 |
Qualification 112 | Fri 4/28 - 6:13 PM | 6318 | 1660 | 4284 | 1506 | 3492 | 6481 | 285 | 301 |
Playoff Matches
Did Not Participate Team 4284 did not appear in, or there were not, any Playoff Matches at this Event
FIRST Championship - St. Louis
April 26 to April 29, 2017
No Matches Yet This team is not yet listed in a Qualification or Playoff schedule at this event.