Team 3274 - Rocktown Robotics (2019)

2019 Robot: Colossus
2019 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition
2019 Sponsors: Rocktown Robotics/James Madison University/HHS Governor's STEM Academy & Family/Community

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CHS District Haymarket VA Event sponsored by Booz Allen Hamilton

  March 1 to March 3, 2019

Awards Event
6 0 0 0 6
Qualification Matches
Rank: 35 of 38
Record: 2 Wins, 8 Losses and 1 Ties - 11 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 3 Sat 3/2 - 11:44 AM 611 1731 3274 623 1719 2199 15 22
Qualification 11 Sat 3/2 - 1:06 PM 623 1418 4464 3274 339 2534 26 46
Qualification 17 Sat 3/2 - 1:57 PM 2028 3373 2988 4464 3941 3274 48 24
Qualification 25 Sat 3/2 - 3:15 PM 4505 1731 3455 2961 3274 2988 40 11
Qualification 30 Sat 3/2 - 4:17 PM 3274 6584 3373 339 1895 4505 14 44
Qualification 34 Sat 3/2 - 4:49 PM 6584 6863 2363 2199 3274 4242 53 40
Qualification 40 Sat 3/2 - 5:34 PM 620 3455 3274 316 612 5549 20 64
Qualification 46 Sat 3/2 - 6:23 PM 2819 2421 3274 1719 4505 6504 16 44
Qualification 52 Sat 3/2 - 7:13 PM 1895 3274 888 2988 6543 116 70 47
Qualification 58 Sun 3/3 - 9:13 AM 3274 1123 623 5549 2819 611 32 32
Qualification 64 Sun 3/3 - 10:03 AM 614 2199 6504 1629 2028 3274 69 38
Playoff Matches

CHS District Blacksburg VA Event

  March 29 to March 31, 2019

Awards Event
14 3 30 5 52
Qualification Matches
Rank: 13 of 34
Record: 6 Wins, 6 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 1 Sat 3/30 - 11:08 AM 3274 5279 346 540 2068 1262 54 53
Qualification 10 Sat 3/30 - 12:26 PM 1598 1915 3274 539 1086 3455 18 50
Qualification 16 Sat 3/30 - 2:16 PM 1598 6802 4505 619 3274 977 54 57
Qualification 23 Sat 3/30 - 3:18 PM 1086 3274 5804 977 346 6194 34 89
Qualification 25 Sat 3/30 - 3:33 PM 1262 1413 3274 2890 5950 977 61 60
Qualification 34 Sat 3/30 - 4:46 PM 1522 619 2890 4505 3274 3072 72 76
Qualification 39 Sat 3/30 - 5:22 PM 1522 6312 6802 5724 539 3274 62 59
Qualification 44 Sat 3/30 - 6:05 PM 3939 1915 3072 5950 401 3274 56 52
Qualification 50 Sun 3/31 - 9:35 AM 384 5954 3072 3274 3455 6312 61 34
Qualification 54 Sun 3/31 - 10:07 AM 2068 3274 384 4466 346 3258 49 68
Qualification 58 Sun 3/31 - 10:43 AM 540 1915 5279 3274 7886 3136 47 57
Qualification 65 Sun 3/31 - 11:41 AM 2890 449 3274 1086 3136 401 60 56
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 2 of Alliance 3
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 4 Sun 3/31 - 1:58 PM Alliance 3 Alliance 6



619 346 3274 3258 1262 4505
Quarterfinal 8 Alliance 3 Alliance 6



619 346 3274 3258 1262 4505
Semifinal 2 Alliance 7 Alliance 3



1086 3748 1413 619 346 3274
Semifinal 4 Alliance 7 Alliance 3



1086 3748 1413 619 346 3274
Tiebreaker 2 Alliance 7 Alliance 3



1086 3748 1413 619 346 3274
Final 1 Alliance 4 Alliance 3



977 384 3455 619 346 3274
Final 2 Alliance 4 Alliance 3



977 384 3455 619 346 3274
Final 3 Alliance 4 Alliance 3



977 384 3455 619 346 3274

FIRST Chesapeake District Championship

  April 10 to April 13, 2019

Awards Event
12 0 0 0 12
Qualification Matches
Rank: 58 of 58
Record: 3 Wins, 9 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 9 Thu 4/11 - 2:24 PM 888 1885 614 2998 6882 3274 69 89
Qualification 14 Thu 4/11 - 3:05 PM 5587 6882 339 346 3274 1111 52 51
Qualification 27 Thu 4/11 - 4:45 PM 1599 6543 836 2363 3274 2914 57 49
Qualification 33 Thu 4/11 - 5:45 PM 4242 4638 5338 5830 3274 3359 69 53
Qualification 43 Fri 4/12 - 9:59 AM 4472 1123 686 2534 1413 3274 38 68
Qualification 52 Fri 4/12 - 11:11 AM 3274 4099 4456 1262 1629 2199 34 73
Qualification 61 Fri 4/12 - 1:20 PM 3274 422 4472 540 5546 619 47 84
Qualification 75 Fri 4/12 - 3:12 PM 3274 4242 2106 2849 6334 401 76 73
Qualification 80 Fri 4/12 - 3:56 PM 4456 3748 346 2068 3274 4541 61 35
Qualification 90 Fri 4/12 - 5:20 PM 3793 4638 612 686 539 3274 67 49
Qualification 104 Sat 4/13 - 9:49 AM 3939 3274 1727 2912 4541 2534 36 67
Qualification 110 Sat 4/13 - 10:47 AM 3274 1731 614 1086 7770 6802 61 64
Playoff Matches

District teams are ranked against all teams in their district and the final rankings, once all district events have been played, are used to determine eligibility for District Championships and/or the FIRST Championship. More Info...

Total Points: 70
Rank: 57 of 127 teams in the FIRST Chesapeake District (Full Rankings )

Qualified for District Championship: Yes ()
Qualified for FIRST Championship: No

Team 3274 had the following district points activities in the 2019 season:
Event/Activity Total
CHS District Haymarket VA Event sponsored by Booz Allen Hamilton 6
CHS District Blacksburg VA Event 52
FIRST Chesapeake District Championship 12

If Team 3274 is tied with any other FIRST Chesapeake teams in total District Ranking Points, the tie will be broken using the following criteria:

Level Description Value
Level 1 Total Playoff Round Performance Points 30
Level 2 Max Playoff Round Performance Points 30
Level 3 Total Alliance Selection Points 3
Level 4 Max Alliance Selection Points 3
Level 5 Total Qualification Points 32
Level 6 Highest Match Score 94
Level 7 Second Highest Match Score 93
Level 8 Third Highest Match Score 89
Level 9 Random Sort ---