Team 4703 - Robotic Gigabots (2019)

2019 Robot: Roberta
2019 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition
2019 Sponsors: University of Minnesota/APQ Engineering, Inc & MENAHGA SECONDARY

Regional Rankings

Team 4703's 2019 Awards

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Northern Lights Regional

  March 6 to March 9, 2019

Qualification Matches
Rank: 8 of 60
Record: 7 Wins, 2 Losses and 0 Ties - 9 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 3   Fri 3/8 - 7:50 AM 4859 3883 3754 4624 3267 4703 39 23
Qualification 11   Fri 3/8 - 9:52 AM 4703 4531 7311 3297 2826 2512 16 32
Qualification 24   Fri 3/8 - 11:41 AM 4703 5019 7530 4531 2470 5232 40 37
Qualification 38   Fri 3/8 - 2:22 PM 7530 4693 6624 4703 2052 2509 42 60
Qualification 47   Fri 3/8 - 3:29 PM 6819 3081 6707 876 2823 4703 26 42
Qualification 53   Fri 3/8 - 4:15 PM 4198 4703 2847 2823 2861 2499 46 29
Qualification 62   Fri 3/8 - 5:19 PM 525 4703 2499 7311 2491 5143 94 27
Qualification 71   Sat 3/9 - 7:47 AM 2450 3691 6147 3212 6574 4703 36 59
Qualification 84   Sat 3/9 - 9:37 AM 3212 2501 7019 3130 4703 6044 38 48
Playoff Matches
Record: 1 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 7

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 3   Sat 3/9 - 11:58 AM Alliance 2 Alliance 7



4607 2826 3130 2987 4703 4198
Quarterfinal 7   Alliance 2 Alliance 7



4607 2826 3130 2987 4703 4198
Tiebreaker 3   Alliance 2 Alliance 7



4607 2826 3130 2987 4703 4198

MSHSL FIRST State Robotics Championship

  May 18 to May 18, 2019

Qualification Matches
Rank: 25 of 36
Record: 3 Wins, 5 Losses and 0 Ties - 8 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 4 Sat 5/18 - 9:13 AM 2502 2883 4506 4703 4728 3206 82 51
Qualification 9 Sat 5/18 - 9:49 AM 2957 4703 6175 3750 2264 3630 55 76
Qualification 15 Sat 5/18 - 10:48 AM 2220 2175 4009 3926 2502 4703 90 68
Qualification 20 Sat 5/18 - 11:31 AM 5991 3313 1816 2052 2823 4703 78 66
Qualification 26 Sat 5/18 - 12:15 PM 5690 7541 3206 7850 4703 2220 60 61
Qualification 36 Sat 5/18 - 2:11 PM 4703 4539 2500 5638 4239 3100 42 33
Qualification 39 Sat 5/18 - 2:36 PM 4009 4607 4703 6175 3883 4728 86 56
Qualification 43 Sat 5/18 - 3:06 PM 4703 2175 5348 6175 3102 2052 43 84
Playoff Matches