Practice Schedule

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Start Time
Red 1
Red 2
Red 3
Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Practice 1 Wed 4/24 - 6:07 PM 4903 3075 3641 172 1922 1506
Practice 2 Wed 4/24 - 6:25 PM 3990 558 2883 1922 2619 1574
Practice 3 Wed 4/24 - 6:36 PM 4130 3414 1729 3641 1506 2614
Practice 4 Wed 4/24 - 6:44 PM 6016 2075 6024 4541 1885 694
Practice 5 Wed 4/24 - 6:52 PM 1718 4003 319 2614 3641 4593
Practice 6 Wed 4/24 - 7:02 PM 133 2994 5724 6024 3550 4970
Practice 7 Wed 4/24 - 7:14 PM 223 4039 7491 176 7523 319
Practice 8 Wed 4/24 - 7:22 PM 4130 4728 1506 1787 4903 340
Practice 9 Wed 4/24 - 7:31 PM 2702 4946 2957 1418 2614 7797
Practice 10 Wed 4/24 - 7:45 PM 7417 2638 1091 4525 4039 7530
Practice 11 Wed 4/24 - 7:58 PM 7645 120 6455 2062 2994 862
Practice 12 Wed 4/24 - 8:08 PM 4003 3414 6088 694 3630 4593
All times are displayed in Eastern Standard Time, the event's local time.
Teams disqualified in a match are shown with in italics with a strikethrough. Teams playing a surrogate match are shown with a dotted underline.
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