Team Avatar Team 3683 - Team DAVE (2019)

2019 Robot: Copperfield
2019 Home Championship: FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition
2019 Sponsors: Quantum Valley Investments/Kik/Melitron/Google&St. David Catholic Secondary School

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ONT District Humber College Event

  March 8 to March 10, 2019

Awards Event
21 16 30 5 72
Qualification Matches
Rank: 2 of 32
Record: 11 Wins, 1 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 5 Sat 3/9 - 12:18 PM 7723 4343 2405 746 3683 771 46 47
Qualification 8 Sat 3/9 - 12:49 PM 7558 746 2935 2405 5870 3683 45 48
Qualification 14 Sat 3/9 - 2:44 PM 6009 3683 2935 4039 1114 4343 46 71
Qualification 20 Sat 3/9 - 3:44 PM 7623 1374 6141 3683 7902 854 30 59
Qualification 25 Sat 3/9 - 4:31 PM 6977 865 3683 746 6513 5834 57 42
Qualification 28 Sat 3/9 - 4:57 PM 7558 7723 6009 6141 3683 1114 29 56
Qualification 34 Sat 3/9 - 5:47 PM 6978 7558 3683 7902 6141 746 68 13
Qualification 40 Sat 3/9 - 6:38 PM 6009 6513 4308 3683 4039 7723 32 54
Qualification 48 Sun 3/10 - 10:11 AM 3683 6513 2198 2935 1374 6977 59 42
Qualification 50 Sun 3/10 - 10:26 AM 1374 1310 3683 4939 5870 7558 73 41
Qualification 59 Sun 3/10 - 11:36 AM 6513 5834 6141 7013 3683 6978 52 67
Qualification 61 Sun 3/10 - 11:52 AM 6009 771 7603 3683 7623 7480 43 86
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 1
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1 Sun 3/10 - 2:32 PM 3683 1114 771 4343 5031 7509 75 44
Quarterfinal 5 3683 1114 771 4343 5031 7509 83 61
Semifinal 1 3683 1114 771 1310 7558 6141 81 46
Semifinal 3 3683 1114 771 1310 7558 6141 92 42
Final 1 3683 1114 771 865 4039 2198 92 69
Final 2 3683 1114 771 865 4039 2198 108 54

ONT District University of Waterloo Event

  March 21 to March 23, 2019

Awards Event
21 16 30 5 72
Qualification Matches
Rank: 2 of 32
Record: 10 Wins, 1 Losses and 1 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 5 Fri 3/22 - 12:09 PM 4617 7800 4917 5483 3161 3683 38 49
Qualification 10 Fri 3/22 - 12:51 PM 5032 3683 5672 5912 4069 6330 35 35
Qualification 14 Fri 3/22 - 1:22 PM 6330 3683 7722 3161 772 2609 45 33
Qualification 17 Fri 3/22 - 2:40 PM 6875 6856 3756 3683 5039 5912 15 74
Qualification 23 Fri 3/22 - 3:31 PM 6992 3683 4968 7022 7664 3739 56 39
Qualification 32 Fri 3/22 - 4:44 PM 6330 2702 5672 3683 4617 2056 38 74
Qualification 35 Fri 3/22 - 5:13 PM 4069 4968 2609 3756 4976 3683 65 73
Qualification 38 Fri 3/22 - 5:40 PM 6854 3739 3683 7722 7475 772 80 44
Qualification 45 Sat 3/23 - 9:31 AM 7664 4678 3683 1241 4920 2609 75 53
Qualification 50 Sat 3/23 - 10:08 AM 3683 1241 4069 5672 7722 5039 101 41
Qualification 54 Sat 3/23 - 10:41 AM 4968 2056 1241 4814 3683 7022 106 62
Qualification 64 Sat 3/23 - 12:06 PM 4678 5483 6854 3683 6875 772 45 64
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 1
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1 Sat 3/23 - 2:32 PM 3683 2056 5672 4920 3756 4814 94 26
Quarterfinal 5 3683 2056 5672 4920 3756 4814 106 47
Semifinal 1 3683 2056 5672 2702 4069 7022 139 64
Semifinal 3 3683 2056 5672 2702 4069 7022 97 75
Final 1 3683 2056 5672 4678 1241 7800 99 62
Final 2 3683 2056 5672 4678 1241 7800 93 76

FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship - Technology Division

  April 10 to April 13, 2019

Awards Event
60 48 90 15 213
Qualification Matches
Rank: 3 of 40
Record: 9 Wins, 3 Losses and 0 Ties - 12 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 5 Thu 4/11 - 3:00 PM 6140 2702 5719 6141 3683 1360 65 64
Qualification 8 Thu 4/11 - 3:37 PM 3683 4917 5885 5409 4688 7800 91 72
Qualification 18 Thu 4/11 - 5:19 PM 3683 4814 6878 4069 6141 1285 85 74
Qualification 25 Thu 4/11 - 6:26 PM 4903 7800 6070 3683 6140 2056 48 100
Qualification 33 Fri 4/12 - 9:27 AM 4992 4688 3683 7800 6987 4039 81 56
Qualification 36 Fri 4/12 - 9:57 AM 5719 3683 6987 746 5885 6867 72 68
Qualification 47 Fri 4/12 - 11:40 AM 4678 1360 2706 2852 3683 7480 84 103
Qualification 50 Fri 4/12 - 12:20 PM 5719 7476 6878 5406 3683 4903 55 93
Qualification 55 Fri 4/12 - 2:06 PM 4914 2852 2200 6867 2634 3683 82 74
Qualification 63 Fri 4/12 - 3:27 PM 3683 4039 4069 4814 5406 4618 101 54
Qualification 68 Fri 4/12 - 4:24 PM 610 6867 4920 6070 2386 3683 94 82
Qualification 76 Fri 4/12 - 5:45 PM 3683 4914 7757 4343 4903 6336 72 62
Playoff Matches
Record: 6 Wins and 0 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Alliance 1
Event Champions!

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 1 Sat 4/13 - 10:08 AM 3683 2056 4907 1360 4920 4039 118 55
Quarterfinal 5 3683 2056 4907 1360 4920 4039 112 73
Semifinal 1 3683 2056 4907 610 2852 1285 114 76
Semifinal 3 3683 2056 4907 610 2852 1285 113 73
Final 1 3683 2056 4907 5406 2200 4814 100 87
Final 2 3683 2056 4907 5406 2200 4814 100 51

FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship

  April 10 to April 13, 2019

Playoff Matches
Record: 0 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Round 1 of Technology

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Final 1 Sat 4/13 - 3:42 PM 1241 1114 771 3683 2056 4907 109 102
Final 2 1241 1114 771 3683 2056 4907 111 97

FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition

  April 24 to April 27, 2019

FIRST Championship - Detroit - FIRST Robotics Competition - Carson Subdivision

  April 24 to April 27, 2019

Qualification Matches
Rank: 3 of 68
Record: 8 Wins, 2 Losses and 0 Ties - 10 Matches Played (0 Disqualifications)

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Qualification 3   Thu 4/25 - 8:52 AM 2559 1305 7400 4930 2052 3683 57 74
Qualification 19   Thu 4/25 - 10:58 AM 829 111 1468 3683 870 3314 77 83
Qualification 26   Thu 4/25 - 1:28 PM 3750 5172 123 7160 3683 1076 71 63
Qualification 35   Thu 4/25 - 2:40 PM 2096 2137 3683 4256 876 537 92 68
Qualification 52   Thu 4/25 - 4:46 PM 2370 4342 2549 3683 85 5050 85 93
Qualification 60   Fri 4/26 - 8:49 AM 7785 3082 1768 3452 3683 2590 51 88
Qualification 79   Fri 4/26 - 11:10 AM 5587 234 2220 5712 3683 67 81 69
Qualification 85   Fri 4/26 - 11:52 AM 2386 293 3683 7160 1816 4362 76 74
Qualification 91   Fri 4/26 - 2:27 PM 619 829 3683 3985 3504 45 99 67
Qualification 104   Fri 4/26 - 4:19 PM 3683 66 4256 5690 5243 7656 99 60
Playoff Matches
Record: 2 Wins and 2 Losses
Alliance Selection: Captain of Alliance 3

Match Start Time Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 Blue 1 Blue 2 Blue 3 Red Final Blue Final
Quarterfinal 4   Sat 4/27 - 10:00 AM 3683 3536 870 1768 2590 4362 90 75
Quarterfinal 8   3683 3536 870 1768 2590 4362 121 84
Semifinal 2   111 2052 5050 3683 3536 870 101 98
Semifinal 4   111 2052 4607 3683 3386 870 92 92

District teams are ranked against all teams in their district and the final rankings, once all district events have been played, are used to determine eligibility for District Championships and/or the FIRST Championship. More Info...

Total Points: 357
Rank: 4 of 173 teams in the Ontario District (Full Rankings )

Qualified for District Championship: Yes ()
Qualified for FIRST Championship: Yes (DistrictPoints)

Team 3683 had the following district points activities in the 2019 season:
Event/Activity Total
ONT District Humber College Event 72
ONT District University of Waterloo Event 72
FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship 0
FIRST Ontario Provincial Championship - Technology Division 213

If Team 3683 is tied with any other Ontario teams in total District Ranking Points, the tie will be broken using the following criteria:

Level Description Value
Level 1 Total Playoff Round Performance Points 150
Level 2 Max Playoff Round Performance Points 90
Level 3 Total Alliance Selection Points 80
Level 4 Max Alliance Selection Points 48
Level 5 Total Qualification Points 102
Level 6 Highest Match Score 139
Level 7 Second Highest Match Score 118
Level 8 Third Highest Match Score 114
Level 9 Random Sort ---